Today i headed down to the local fabric store and bought myself a piece of couch upholstry that was really thick. I then proceeded to make a bag to tranport my trials unicycle in. this was one of the best ideas i’ve had in a while. The fabric (extra heavy duty) was 5$, the velcro was 3$ and the thread used (again, heavy duty) was 2$. This puts the total up to 10 $ Canadian. This i thought was pretty good compared to the roach bag, which is like 85 $ U.S. so i’m pretty happy. before you buy a roach bag (if money is an issue ) head down to your fabric store and see what they have. you’ll probably save a lot of money and end up with something you’ll be proud to carry your unicycle in. (unless all they had was shag carpeting ) well that’s just my thought of the day.
This is certainly very useful information to some folks here. Check out: .
(Not because it has anything to do with unicycling, but because it is a set of instructions for making something that many jugglers want). If you can, consider providing additional details. Some people might benefit greatly, especially the cost conscious as you note above.
i was actually thinking of making my own but my dad has this boat cover for his motor and it was really good material and he knows the guy that makes themm so for like 20$ i could get it custom made and it would last me forever