in this thread you can tell everyone about your worst unicycle accident
i’ll go first:
5 days ago i was practicing jumping stairs.
when i got to the 9th stair i fell back. with my unicycle on me!
at first i thought “ok… it happens” so i tried again.
when i got to the 9th stair again i fell again.
i couldn’t feel my left side (for 10 minutes) after the 3rd fall.
turns out i twisted my left wrist and ankle and i still can’t feel my knee.
I once accidentally posted a unicycle thread in Just Conversation.
i don’t see a rule that says “no talking about unicycles”
Shoulder is all good now but my leg still does not have all the feeling back where they took out the muscle casing.
I tore my pants on a UPD early on in my riding life. I was going to fast.
My knee got messed up too.
So far I haven’t done an Eric…
what surprises me is that for all my awful wrecks, I’ve never broken a bone.
By rights, many say, I should have died a while back.
So, how many lives do you have left, Jackie, you sly cat?
I haven’t actually had any bad accidents yet. The worst I’ve had was just a bad case of pedal bite which left a scar that looked like I had been clawed down the back of my left calf by a cougar or something, but that’s not worthy for this thread. Here’s some pics anyway:
They look far worse than they actually are.
Pedal into shin hard enough to tear two >gaping< holes in my flesh, requiring surgery to remove the dead flesh the next day and a big shot of penicillin. That took about 8 weeks to heal, and I’ve still got huge scars from it.
Holy crap! I assume from the no broken bones post you were ok?
Once my sneaker laces got caught in my pedal and tied me to the uni, and kept me from pedaling. It’s kinda humiliating to go down and be tied to your uni at the same time.
Another time I was riding along juggling clubs, when an oil delivery truck hose was across the sidewalk from the truck to the house. I didn’t see it, and BAM, down I went.
My cranks are reallt close to the bolts that hold them to the hub, and on more than one occasion, I’ve smacked my ankle on the bolts. It’s never that serious, but usually hurts like the dickens. Once I even splattered my own blood onto my shoes. I never took pictures but it was pretty cool looking.
You win the best uni accident of the day award!
Wishing you a speedy recovery!
Lol, it hurt to breath (every single breath) for three days and my neck is still rather stiff.
Do you unicycle in a speedo? How’d it get so high up on your leg?
Wow, 'cuz like, no one EVAR does really steep technical muni WITHOUT A BREAK.
Welcome to 10 years ago.
yup, some of us do it old school
Some of us know its the only good way to do it. =p
Don’t you ride a 24in with 150’s?
Brakes are poo.