Here’s my friend Ryan with his new vid:
YouTube coming soon.
Comments appreciated
Great video. Im so ready to get a new tire so I can ride with you guys again. You are getting really good…I know with in a couple months, you will flip that 8 set at the skatepark. Where is that 8 set with the white rail? I definitely want to hit that up with you guys. I also liked you grinding that 8 at the park.
Again, great vid.
That’s at UCO. Ryan shot alot at UCO. It’s pretty fun. He had alot of downtown too.
That was really good.
hey everyone! i’m the guy in the video. i just created an account and this is my first post. i was going to post this video myself but Justin got here first.
here’s the youtube version:
nice video, the water falls were pretty funny. Nice to know your uni floats though…
i liked the grind down that ledge in the city too!
On those clips by the fountain and stuff…where is that…that long rail in the back ground…how close is the landing from the water?
P.S. I just noticed I was in the movie
yeah i noticed that when i was putting it together, you’re in there for about 1.5 seconds (ish).
the fountain thing is in downtown okc… it’s just south of the old kerr mcgee building… i don’t know the cross-streets tho.
you would practically land in the water coming of the rail, and the rail has grind guards (i think).
It’s now up on unicore’s website for viewing.
Yay Ryan. That was really cool.
So when are you putting the new tire on?
You said you finally got it yesterday.
Kh…I always though of Kris holm, and I always thought why is he signing with kris’s name?
Kelly Hickman=KH
Nice video guys.