This Post is for all Unicycle-Clubs that want to find a Partnership Club for Unicon16.
Please Introduce your club here with:
- a little description of your Club
- your favorite unicycling disciplines
- a few Fotos
- your goals for Unicon16
What Unicon16 Partnership Clubs are about.
Get to know an Unicycle-Team or Club and start to exchange and find friends before Unicon16 even starts and meet the first time at Unicon16 in Brixen.
You can sign up for Unicon16 Partnership Clubs in the Registration - Swiss Unicycle Fun Network
Hi everybody out there
As we want to participate in Unicon 16 as a partnership club I would like to take the chance and introduce a little bit.
We are not a club in the usual sense with meetings once per week in one and the same place. is build as a network for everybody in Switzerland and around to get in touch with other unicyclists who have plessure in fun riding. does not organize any championships or participate in such (only exception is the unicon) as we really understand ourselves as the ones who unicycle for fun.
We organize events from time to time in the areas of unitouring alongside Switzerland, Mountain Unicycling (how couldn’t we in a country which has more mountains then anything else) and a Freestyle/Trial/Street group that we call Freestreet. Find a lot of pictures in our own gallery. - Everybody is invited to receive our event news per mail and Facebook.
At Unicon 16 we mainly coming to have fun with other unicyclists - to meet old friends and to make new friends. And to race a little bit
Regards, see you there, Christof