UNICON XV - Questions Thread

Yeah trains aren’t a primary form of transport in New Zealand. Often they are expensive and mainly for sight seeing.

I’m sorry but it seems that none of the members of the team will be able to afford to go to this Unicon. :frowning: But we have been talking about the possibility of going to the NAUCC because is closer and cheaper for us. Maybe we can meet there for friendly game of baloncesto de monociclo!!! :slight_smile:

Hasta luego!


Thanks for the info, but I don’t think it’s really worth it. A 2 hours drive to Ottawa will cost quite a bit in gas and we will have to pay for a month of parking at the airport… hum… I’d rather pay 60 extra dollars ! But thanks anyway.

And thank you Peter for the great infos !


Hah yeah, I was just surprised that it was cheaper. For the last unicon it was cheaper to fly from Montreal, by about 150 dollars, so I ended up doing that, but this year it is the other way around!

I really hope you can go, it would be great if we got some Montrealers out again!