UNICON - Whats going on there?

That will be a fine day indeed, for both racers and observers.

Wasn’t trying to quote you out of context. Was just passing on my view, and sharing how I was interpreting what you were saying. I would agree that your subsequent posts in the marathon thread shifted away from what I was reacting to. BTW: I appreciate that you went back and re-read your previous stuff after the feedback. I try to do that when someone jumps on something I’ve said, but I’m not always very good at it.

Where is it? the flip isn’t there

he is talking about the frontflip lol

The link doesn’t show the frontflip. It’s just some guy’s youtube.

He just wants channel views. If you saw his “koxx days vid” you would see he doesn’t even show a unicycle in the vid… He is just some idiot who wants views on his videos and channel…
EDIT: if he doesn’t want views he wants to waste our time…

He was talking about the frontflip here First frontflip on a unicycle!
Forrestunifreak posted the link if you realised

Adrien Delacroix Front Flip (by Carlos Medina)

There will be some video updates coming courtesy of Olarf and Jess. Olarf only got there yesterday so stuff hasn’t been getting uploaded.

I just got home after a long night outside Victoria station as I missed the last train to Brighton due to flight delays.

The frontlip was incredible and the male pairs freestyle winners were really entertaining.

The level 11 workshop with Horst was pretty good too. That guy knows his stuff!



Saw this on the french forums:

For flat:
Junior: 1st Elliot H

Girl: 2nd Marine M (1st?)

Expert: 1st Loic B
2nd Spencer H
3rd Adrien D

basket ball final tomorrow : woom (france) (vs) porto rico

those are flat results, Marine is 1st in street

here’s some result for street :
junior :
3 : lorenz pöham
2 : (a swidish)
1 : elias pöham

3 : helene lelant
2 : hannah xxxx
1 : marine mirault

experts mâles
3 : arthur caron
2 : loïc baud
1 : adrien delecroix

Individual free style experts were fab.
don’t remember her name but “rewind girl” from Japan was a fantastic womens winner with a rather European style performance. is she from dieki’s club? Male was won by Matsuda (japan) for his flawless routine. Giles(?) from switzerland added a silver to his pairs expert gold. An american came 3rd with a routine that had lots of hard skills but very little “performance”, personally I preferred one of the others who had more showman ship.

Maxime Cabot won the tie breaker for world champion trials rider.

Who came second?

Joe Hodges. Who got third?

Puerto Rico win against Woom : 56 - 37


Mark Fabian got third!

The basket final was really cool!

I got 9º in trials (15 yo)… 34 points… with Mireth from France (Keukly)…

Tomorrow everbody is going to Muni events… I will film on the beach with some Danish Boys and Girls :smiley:

Today we had a live band in the social gym (better than yesterday band)… Now everbody is drunk… and we are really having fun in this party…

I filmed some cool footage in social events… Can`t wait to put everything on my pc and watch again!


Hey Pedro, when are you going to the beach?

So far today has been pretty boring because I couldn’t get back into muni.