Unicon 14 in 25 minutes by Gogler K.

Gogler send us that cool compilation, all 10 days in 25 minutes. Enjoy it.

Url: UniconXIV in 25 minutes
Video: Unicon XVI in 25 minutes.wmv

Flash and mov following tonight.

The video will load almost all the way but it won’t let me watch more than three minutes into the video. It stops at the 10k thing where they are crossing the bridge.


mmmmh I heard about that problem from another rider, maybe it happens when to many people try to watch it at the same time !?
Depending on the size I think a download will be the best way to enjoy it perfect. While the time also the flash and mov files are ready but the wmv is the only one in high quality. you can download them here:

wmv: http://videos.unicycle.tv/709.uniconxivin25minutes.wmv
flash: http://videos.unicycle.tv/709.uniconxivin25minutes.flv
mov: http://videos.unicycle.tv/709.uniconxivin25minutes.mov

:thinking: Mine stops just when they first cross the finish line of the 10k :thinking:


The file seems to be damaged so I delete it and start uploading it again. Flash and mov should run and tomorrow a working wmv will be online.
Sorry for the trouble.

the file is changed now and I was also able to watch the video online.

For Fire Fox users (especially FF3) we recommend the windows media Plug in for firefoc which you can find here.
Its old but still works fine, also in FF3.

Thank you, :sunglasses:
I will see how it goes this time

Strange opening ceremony… Can’t say I liked it, by the looks of it.

I didnt like the loook of it either.
probs would have been better if you were there?

stopped at the trials though :frowning:

Not sure I want or can be bothered downloading 350MB =] But I will see how the loading goes.

Realy nice video. I liked it that there is a little bit of everything in it.