uni with gears, brakes and freewheeling hub

for me half term is coming up and im going to have a week of school and i thought that it would be fun to make a freewheeling uni, i thought i could just lay into a bike with a angle grinder then weld up a uni, firstly i thought i could just weld the pedals straight onto th hub and keep the brake but now i realise its going to be a bit harder and i think i may end up doing it with a chain and maybe even gears, i will post some pics of it if/when i get round to making it and hopfuly some pics of me riding it, if you have and suggestions feel free to post them

I have attached a picture which i have (badly) edited to show the general idea of what i was thinking of

you may want to try and put the pedals bellow the axle :wink:
looks good though

Or, try a smaller wheel, like 20 inches, just gear it up higher and it is like having a big wheel.

I was thinking of the balence issue :wink:

You can build a giraffe from an old bike fairly easily, espeically if you have welding skills. You can include the freewheel, or lock it out by welding/wiring it together. However the gears won’t work if you try to pedal backawards, you’ll have to remove the deraileur, pick one of the cogs on the wheel to use and shorten the chain appropriately. There have been several threads, with photos, of people converting old bikes to unis, try the search function to find them.


Why not save up to buy a Schlumpf Geared Unicycle. You said you wanted gears and a brake. I’m not sure about the freewheeling hub though. :smiley: http://www.unicycle.uk.com/shop/shopdisplayproduct.asp?catalogid=734

Welder will fix that up good.

Put a coaster brake on it

takes hat off.

Most definately would’ve been the guy to talk to.

Looks like a variation on a penguin uni. Report back in if and when you complete it. Looks interesting.


first you can train a bit of “pen” tool…


how about a rohloff hub or something simmilar? internal gearing and freewheeling (and 14 speeds)

Heres my design:D

crud cant upload pic

Hopefully this pic works :thinking:
weird does anyone know how to put a pic directly on here

unibike.psd (925 KB)

Why not get one of these?? :smiley: :smiley:

it looks very nice but im just doing it for a bit of fun and so im on a small budget and £890 is too much im just going to use an old bike and maybe some old steel and just weld it all together

I searched for a simalar thread but could not find any so feel free to post a link if u have one

BTW the picture I’ve uploaded (see above) detaches into a unicycle. :smiley: :smiley:

Take care