Uni show in Cornwall

Anyone who’s in driving distance of cornwall should come see the “spincycle” uni show. We should all bring our unicycles and do some unicycling together! Plus if the people suck at unicycling we could pwn them.:smiley:

I’m within driving distance of Cornwall. The proper Cornwall, that is… :stuck_out_tongue:


When? Where in Cornwall? Any more info on the show? Sounds like fun!

lol you guys are a hoot!

Maybe we should call it “New Cornwall”.

It’s Cornwall Ontario Canada …where I live :slight_smile:

BTW: it’s at Aultsville Theater March 24th at 7:00pm
I can’t really find much more info about it but here’s the website to the theatre:

(funny the edit button disappears after a while…I guess double posting is ok here)

I did some digging around and I think this is it:

Greg Tarlin does a show called “spin cycle” there’s a sample video on the site.

If this is what is comming to town it doesn’t look like a “unicycle” show but rather an all around unicycle/juggle/circus arts show.

wow tripple post!!!

Looks like we’re going to meet up ahead of time at my place and do some riding, the theater it’s taking place at is within riding distance and there’s a great park with lots of opsticals to play with along the way.

If interested send me a PM and I’ll give you my address and more details.
