Uni Persecution

I stopped by a local bike shop (Rowletts) today to see about getting a new road tire for my XL Lite. I’ve used the previous one since last august, and threads are now starting to show through the rubber.

So anyway, the guy working there was pretty hospitable for a while, while he helped me pick out a new tire. Then while I was paying for it, another guy that working there came out and said, “Did you see those two guys on TV unicycling through India?” And I said “yeah that’s called muni, that was Kris Holm and Nathan Hoover.” And the first guy said to the other, “The funniest part was when the one guy said, ‘This sport is really taking off’” And they both started laughing at the idea. I started to explain how in a way it really was taking off, but then he interrupted me, and impersonating Nathan Hoover, said, “Yeah, at first there were just two of us, now there’s like four!” They walked off laughing even as I tried to explain to them the nature of the unicycling community.

I was thinking on my way out how I’ll probably never come here again, but then a younger guy that worked there (I think I’ve seen him around campus) said of his bosses, “Don’t listen to them, those guys are real jackasses”. That made me feel better.

Don’t go there again, except maybe to return the tire.
If it’s just a (not the) LBS there’s a fair chance you could get your tires from shops with fewer jackasses.

i don’t think it’s fair to be insulted by someone else’s ignorance. true, ignorance does lead to really idiotic things, ie racism. however, i don’t think that comment was made in total mockery. to hear someone say,“everyone is doing it now” about for example, crocheting, would probably make me laugh. just a little perspective. i didn’t hear the tone of voice, and that’s usually where the offense(offence) is made.

I’ve only just started, so at the moment eveyone is laughing at me (apart from those who can already ride a unicycle).

But after only 2 weeks of practicing, I’m already getting tired of the “are you going to run away to/join the circus” etc…


Me too. My wife has even been telling people that I will be able to earn some money down at the inner harbour (juggling and unicycling). People can’t seem to grasp the idea that I do these things for the challenge of learning something new, not to entertain. If, however, I can make a kid smile with my juggling, that’s a bonus.:smiley:

Agreed. I’ve been confronted many times by people shocked at the idea that more than a few people take part in this sport, and after explaining to them, they walk away more educated about who unicyclists are. This is fine. In fact, it’s wonderful. Next time they see a unicyclist, they won’t necessarily associate him/her with clowns.

The young employee was just as surprised as his bosses, however, he was what I just learned in my psych class as being “cognitively open”, i.e. willing to view unicycling as a different but equally viable form of cycling.

What perturbed me about the two managers was the interrupting and ignoring part, i.e. the two gentlemen’s refusal to accept the idea that unicycling isn’t just limited to the circus arts. They didn’t walk away any more educated.

Unconscious ignorance is permissible; its unavoidable. Conscious ignorance is different.

You are right, you shouldn’t let ignorance get to you. Not everybody can be educated, and that shouldn’t keep you from trying.
But if the people in a store insult or patronise me I can take my buissnes elsewhere. There’s no reason to be around more jackasses than you need to.

I’m probably overreacting again. For some reason I’m extra allergic to situations like that.

I get the circus comments from my wife and my mother, they both give me a hard time and don’t understand…
HOWEVER all the people I mountain bike with think it is cool that I am learning to uni and muni…they never give me a hard time.
I expected more harrassing since it appears I am the only person in this area of the South that is taking on the sport and it is very unknown here as well…
My Local Bike Shop owner and he’s employees think anything envolving wheel(s) is cool…they’re a great bunch!