Uni movie

yea short uni movie, it has some ok stuff in it but not my best. i had to make it quick in two days for one of my friends. notice haircut halfway through:p. I really wish my parents didn’t make me get a hair cut.

its 2:08 minutes long and has no sound because I couldn’t figure out how to put music on it:(

Just remember, drops aren’t everything. Good first vid though. I should make a vid sometime. Anyway, I hope you compete in the video comp!

nice first video. Why isn’t it in RSU, you should post it there too. I liked the wheel walk, I still need to learn how to do that.

heh i like drops… the next movie ill try to get other stuff

aha nice i made a video its sucks thow and i did it a long time agow http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_wjyc91yL4


One word: TRIPOD

My apologies if your epileptic grandpa was doing the filming, but your camera operator has more shakes than a recovering alcoholic. I got motion sickness just watching the first 15 secs. of the clip. Couldn’t watch the rest.