Hey Lauren and nikkifrog!!
I know that you were talking about this some time ago…but, on the subject of girls that uni…
I was keeping this whole idea secretive up until now…BUT:
I am making a unicycling movie which should be the first one in its class
> > feature extreme unicycling skills performed exclusively by females. I will
> > be in it, showcasing some Trials, Mountain, Freestyle, and Flatland
> > unicycling, along with some of my friends who live in Washington. These
> > the people who MIGHT be in it:
> >
> > Miranda Kole, 2003 N.A.U.C.C. Pairs Freestyle Advanced gold medalist
> >
> > Irene Genelin, 2002 World Artistic Standard Expert champion
> >
> > Janet Chastain (my mom, who rides pretty well now!..I taught her how to ride)
> >
> > Julie Young (Women’s National Mountain Unicycle Champion, 1999) may also
> > in the movie. I am still in the process of contacting her sister, Sierra.
> > have not been in contact with them that much lately.
If you are a girl:
Would you be at all interested in filming with me?..say, at NAUCC 2004 in SLC, Utah? or a MUni weekend? or sending me some footage of you riding? even if you can’t do very EXtreme stuff, i’d still be glad to welcome you to the movie cast…and it doesn’t matter what type of riding you do, either…
Well, g2g for now…
Sara Chastain )—(X)