Uni Joust in Portland

I finally got around to making a jousting kit!

I used 8’ wooden dowels and put baby shoes on the end for a lil padding
and also so they will ‘stick’ better to the shields. For the shields I
got some cabinet doors and used innertubes to attach them.

So, all you unicyclist that wanna JOUST come on out to the Multnomah
County Bike Fair, this Saturday June 24th. The Fair is from 1-7pm, Uni
jousting will be around 3pm. And there will be tallbike jousting around

More info here:


Thats is nice
i did a joust with a friend one time
and its really fun

good luck knights

Re: Uni Joust in Portland

Well the joust was awesome! And the crowd loved it, here is a little
video of the event complete with Rage Against the Machine Music. :slight_smile: