
Re: Uni-hockey?

JJuggle <JJuggle.dg3bm@timelimit.unicyclist.com> wrote:

>> If you want a debate we could start talking about tennis balls;) *

> Sorry, I’m missing the point of the above??? :frowning:

Traditionally Germany (and most of the rest of continental Europe -
it is just Germany has the most organised hockey scene) use “old”
tennis balls for hockey. The UK has for some time used Mylec pink
(ie winter grade) street hockey balls. Either are permitted in
the IUF regulations with the decision on which to be used made
by the competition hosts. Traditionally there has been a fervent
debate on which ball should be used at almost all European
(if not wider international) hockey tournaments. Tennis balls
usually win `cos more Germans play hockey than Brits. If the
competition is in Britain we get our revenge - although we still
lose to the best German teams :frowning:

The game is actually quite different with the 2 different types
of ball. The Mylec bounces less and works well with flicked shots.
Tennis balls are a bugger to control (no bias here honest!) and
seem to lend themselves to slap shots. Flaming Puck is a Canuck
abberation and should only be attempted with lots of alcohol :slight_smile:

The best hockey unicycle is a Pichlerad 20" with 110mm cranks and
a 2.1 white Primo “The Wall” tyre by the way. Again, no bias…

The skills all hockey players need are fantastic speed, manouverability
and silky stick skills. Noone ever even tries who hasn’t got this
good …


Paul Selwood
paul@vimes.u-net.com http://www.vimes.u-net.com

Re: Uni-hockey?

Arnold the Aardvark wrote:
> Being able to stay on while riding over little kids has
> served me well on one or two occasions. :slight_smile: .

Now, I would never be pedantic :wink: but I’m pretty sure that while you
adequately displayed your ability to ride over little kids, I don’t
recall you staying on at the time. Me thinks you need more practice…

> Fortunately
> they didn’t squeal too loudly, as this would have put me
> off my game.

To squeal would require that they had breath in their lungs. Not very
likely after you’ve ridden over them. :-}


Re: Re: Uni-hockey?

Ooooooooooo! :smiley:

Phil, just me

Anyone have any vids of unicycle hockey? I’d love to play some day, but seeing as i’m the onle unicyclist I know with in a 3,000 mile radius, i’ll be contentwith a movie of others playing.


Re: Uni-hockey?

daino149 <daino149.dm6az@timelimit.unicyclist.com> wrote in

> Anyone have any vids of unicycle hockey?


This is the only one that I know of.



James (jimmy)

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