Uni Haters

I’m at Iowa State, and we seem to get some dislike from some peoples. Anybody else have this kind of problem? I can only assume they’re jealous of our mad skillz. (yeah, I spelled that with a Z)

Im not even good, and people around here are in awe when they see me ride down the road or something. There are no uni people around me that i know of. Maybe inHartford and up state, but not down here. :frowning:

Frustrating as it is when it happens, just ignore them.
Esp. when the hecking comes from a ‘group’.
Mob action isn’t something to mess with.

There are a few threads on this topic if you search…

Good reading from the best of the members here.

Re: Uni Haters

Um, that’s life. Whether you ride a unicycle or not, there are bound to be people that dislike you. :wink:

Most of the people around here seem to be fairly positive about my unicycling, but I generally don’t unicycle in areas where there are a lot of people, especially immature ones, around. When I used to juggle in the gym at the local YMCA, I used to get hassled by idiots about my own age (several years ago, when I was about 12 or 13) who couldn’t seem to accept the fact that I was doing something they couldn’t do. Such hassling most often came from groups.

I think what usually happens when you get hassled by groups is the someone in the group tries to impress the others by acting like it’s something commonplace or stupid, and so all the rest do the same thing. If the same person had happened to decide to act positive, the rest of the group would have acted positive as well. It’s a herd instinct thing.

i get lots of haters (people kicking us out of places) its fun to video tape them

yes i can feel and hear aloy of habitual dislike from my fellow pears at school, most people who see me on the streets and they know its pretty tight i showed them what i can do, and then theres this one guy who is always calling unicyclist “gay” like, we like guys, i dont know were hes coming from cuz i know hes seen me with my girl.

You always get haters but I always find more admirers. I’ve been called “gay” as well and also “stylish”(whatever that means)…

I get that all too much, but after they see me do a trick or something or they try it that changes very quickly!

Thats where I have a problem…I can’t do any tricks…although I’ve mastered UPD-ing at the most embarassing time pretty well

if i rode around at my school they would think uniing is gay because its all preps and skaters at my school

so they think they are really cool

you know its ironic, people say thats gay or look at him trying to be all cool, when in fact the people who say look at him tryin to be all cool are the ones trying to be all cool. So the ones pointing out people saying oh look at him tryin to be all cool are the pathetic posers who do nothing with there life.

Coo coo, just wanted to make sure I’m not the only one. The skaters I talk to think it’s some cool stuff, same with the bmx dudes

Mostly I get positive remarks. Then there is the original and annoying remarks such as “Lost a wheel” and others. Then there are the skaters at my school. They thinks its gay. I don’t care though.

Then I get the remark about hurtin the family jewels when i jump off stuff. I just explain that if you stand up and take the jump with your legs nutton will happen.

Anyways not much help I guess.