Uni Dream

I had a strange dream last night…

I was riding down to the Chuck Wagon where we had dinner Saturday night at the Moab MUnifest, and as I entered the building, everyone seemed sad. I asked why and was told the Kris Holm had been in a bad MUni accident. Something had happened and he’d gotten some sort of bad injury to either his head or his spine, and he’d either gotten brain damage or become paralyzed. I thought of what a tragedy this was to both Kris and to the unicycling community. I can’t imagine what would happen if I lost the ability to do something that was so much a part of my life.
Anyways, before I depress anyone any more, I think I’ll stop.

You should put that in the “Gallery of Unicycling Dreams” Paco.
Andrew Carter doesn’t mind that. Anyway that is a cool dream to my advice Paco. Any more. Cheers.


Re: Uni Dream

what lil i know about dream analysis would suggest that when u dream about something really bad, it is based on quite the opposite

we really need a serious dream analist to get hold of theses uni dreams of ours…