Uni club at Uni.

Hi all, I know there have been posts before about setting up a unicycling club, but bear with me!

So when looking at setting up a unicycle club at my uni, I need to figure out if it is classed as a sports club or a society.

There are pros and cons to having it as either, I was wondering what you guys thought :slight_smile:

Not being from the UK I don’t have an opinion. Can you please explain the pros and cons of each?

Yes, depending what those differences are, that should determine which way to go. You will probably want an indoor space, which might mean a gymnasium or otherwise a room in which they’ll let you ride unicycles. That might put you into the sport category.

Society may get more non unicyclists involved as you could pitch it as a come and try group. Sports has the advantage of easier use of the sports facilities.

It does depend a little on the university though as some require a higher fee to cover Sports societies. Worth talking to the SU and see what the main financial implications of each is.


Your right Roger, The financial implication is the bit I looked at. To join a sports club at uni is £20 before club fees and only £2 for a society.

I need to be able to get 20 people interested and names downs with at least 4 signed up for a committee.

It going to be interesting as I believe I have to be a sports club.

I’ll think about Unicycles when I get enough people interested!