I did another podcast last night, and here it is: Click here
I did another podcast last night, and here it is: Click here
I went with the suggestion of having a co-host and I think it worked out well. Tell me what you think.
Yes, I agree that I need to lose those breaks. It comes with time, and practice.
Also, your criticism seem to be poking fun at me by mockery.
I went in with a rough idea, and I tried to wing it. I feel it went relatively well.
I figure two, maybe three at most. If you found more, you were looking too hard.
In the grand scheme of things, no, it doesn’t matter. But what matters is that we were having a good time while we made it.
Sure, it didn’t end up as smooth as we all would have liked, but these things take time to get better.
Also, I’d like to hear what some others have to say.
It was…
Wow, this is much better than the first! nice one. The co-host definatly makes your sound less bored, and makes the podcast that much more interesting. However keeping an audience entertained for a whole hour is not easy, have you concidered making the cast shorter with highr quality talk. topics?
have you umm… done any work in broadcasting before?
I do not understand what you are trying to accomplish.
Shorten it (twenty minutes?) lose the music. If i wanted to listen to music i would listen to my own. Entertain! whether it be through humour or whatever.
At the moment its just to guys trying to have a conversation. loosen up, work out conversating topics and aim to hit them, try get some guests. Do something interesting. Know what your talking about.
how about a forum orientated competition or something, get people interested.
At the moment i can pretty much retrieve all the information you gave me (i only listened to 35 min of it) on the forum and most of the time it is more entertaining to do so. I switched off at the red lobster part, began thinking about seafood.
Get excited about it. You are beating around the bush.
Currently if i chucked it on my ipod it would send me to sleep.
loose the ‘Ahh’s’
and what the flip was that acronym thing about?
Thanks for the constructive criticism. Still trying to figure out what the podcast is going to be.
I have not done any formal work in broadcasting before. I am a first-year in the broadcasting program at Niagara College and I haven’t done too much with being on-air yet - more production. I’ve done some small podcasts with music before, but never really had conversations on-air, so I am inexperienced with that so far.
I would like to hear opinions on changes to the following things:
time - would 20 to 25min be enough?
music - take it out completely?
topics - what topics would you like me to cover?
competitions - what kinds of competitions could I do to gain your interest?
suggestions - is there anything else that you would like me to include?
Yes. If you do about one podcast a week, it would be fine.
Just during the intro (say what podcast you are and have a little line that you say every time for new listeners.) Something like,
“Your listening to UniCast, the world’s only all-unicycle podcast. In this episode you will hear about the newest unicycle equipment, the latest news and events, and (maybe) an interview with unicycle rider __________. This podcast is sponsored by ________.”
Try to have someone sponsor you.
*See paragraph above.
You decide. It should be a different competition every time, though.
Try to include an interview in every episode, it would make things more exciting hearing from a new person every time.
I hope this helped. I listen to a lot of podcasts, so I know what kind of stuff to include.
EDIT: I still haven’t been able to listen to either podcast because of my computer, so I don’t know if you already have any of these things.
i did the it the other way around, i have spent four year on air and am now going to study at a radio school, lol.
umm make it for as long as you believe you can keep it entertaining. 25min would be a lot easier to aim for than an hour.
It is up to you with the music, but think about it, unicyclist are diverse, They wont all listen to radiohead
not sure about competitions, something easily accessible on the forums. because i imagine that is going to be your target audience.