Uni + beach buggy = FUN FUN FUN!


I have longed for a beach buggy long enough. Now I realise that in a short wheel based version the uni will fit in the back as though it was made for it (giving just that tantalising glimpse that invites the comment, “Hey, the person who owns this combination of vehicles must be really groovy! Let’s get to know him and invite him to all our parties”) I am drawing up all my courage to put a bid on one on ebay.

The car in question is here

Any comments/advice from buggy owners? It looks great to me, and the seller’s feedback is good.

[edit] Someone posted a picture from BUC 12 in a buggy. Can’t find it now though.

i just lately got a sand rail

Man, I have ALWAYS wanted one of those. A Dune Buggy from the 70s…
Because of your avatar, I do have a very funny image…Henry Spenser from Eraserhead riding a Dune Buggy with a unicycle in the back, and that horrible baby-thing in the seat next to him…

Note that the auction is in pounds, not dollars. Thought I’d just say that.

Klaas Bil

Yeah, perhaps it’s time for an avatar change…

Anyone else with constructive comments? I’m pretty much sold on Dogbowl’s “BUY IT! BUY IT!” at the moment.

I think Roger (at UDCUK) has/had a buggy along with his VW camper and he’s not frightened to get his hands dirty so he should know a thing or two.

I was put off them for life when I was young as the person I knew who had one was a real prat, there’s always someone out there to spoil things.

i’ll second this

many years ago i turned down an opportunity to buy one (but it was yellow) for not a massive amount of money
unfortunately, not a massive amount of money was just about everything i had at the time
i didn’t buy it and i haven’t stopped regretting it since

ownership of such a vehicle must confer a certain level of kewlness
refer the seller
he lives in colchester and not only managed to find a sunny day to take the pic
he had the insight to realise that u can’t take a pic of a beach buggy on an overcast day
(if he could ride a unicycle, he would have his girlfriend and her friends frolicing around the vehicle, in bikinis, tossing beach-balls around and looking like they’re in danger of getting sunburnt and not caring, just to make the pic look even better, but u can’t have everything)

there are a couple of more mechanically minded people on this list
Yoopers, DigitalDave (ref there Jeep discussion in the Thread Killer Thread) and John Childs spring to mind
they mind be able to suggest a couple of technical issues u want to check out
rust ending the tie-rod and potential problems with a shifty looking gear lever, that kind of thing

i hope u get it at a price that will make it the kewlest toy u’ve ever owned
and if that and a unicycle doesn’t get u to the parties, pack it in

If you win the auction can I be your friend?

Sure - what are your parties like?


i see it’s up to 2300
what’s your bidding name?

Originality is not perhaps my strong suit, hence the need to learn to ride a unicycle and purchase a bright red beach buggy. So, anyway, it’s, er, s7ev0.

Mr Boogiejuice - I look forward to driving up to your next party in my trusty red buggy, leaping over the side and jump mounting my uni in one fluid motion.

You read my mind.

It looks like a great vehicle and would be a lot of fun to drive. The first think I noticed is the weak-looking roll cage. It seems to me that the cage ought to have bars at the outer corners instead of one down the middle. I can see a collapse at windshield corner during a roll-over. Other than that, sort of hard to tell anything else. Don’t most buggies have fiberglass bodies?

I love the soft top they show. Very attractive. Should be a lot of fun.


The kids at your school will love you for turning up in a bright red buggy. You could use rides in it as an incentive for your pupils to do better in their schoolwork.

I too look forward to your grand entrance.

In 1972, my sixth grade teacher, Mr. Heck (love the name), had a white Corvette. We had drawings each day to see who would get to stand guard over it during recess. It was quite an honor.

There are some schools of course (not mine, you understand) where pupils might ask for payment to stand guard over staff cars “just in case something were to happen to it…”

I take you point about the roll bar, but I don’t tend to stretch the capabilities of my cars so hope not to be testing the strength of the roll bar (I suppose I could always get another few bars welded in).

And yes, a GRP body but rustable floorpan.

Buggies are fun. :slight_smile:

Here is mine if you have not seen it.


How would anyone bid on a car that you cant hear/drive/smell first …?

You need to drive it to see if it needs work.
You need to smell it to see if it overheats or burns oil.

If that car has a 1960 VW engine/frame in it … I would not buy it.

Cuz, I had a 1966 VW. And the rust under the frame and torshen (sp?) bars was a safety hazard.

Also, I’d see if you can still get parts.

Bottom line … don’t bid. (IMO)

PS. I used to own a Kawasaki like the one he has photo.

This was my comment as well, but with several provisors… I will explain. The engines are cheap to get hold of in the UK. You can get a reconditioned one for as little as £600. It is also a type 3 engine which tends to be more robust and less flogged, they are also better for buggies because they can be taken out easier (I can do an engine change in less than 30 mins on mine.) I did recommend that he went and listen to it to know if it was ok and it was a shop selling it.

Buggies tend to be kept garaged so tend to have better chassis’s than bugs of the same year. They are also easy to fix up as long as the tunnel is ok (mine is the only tunnel that I have heard of snapping and that was after one massive jump with over 10 foot under the rubber then landing it on one wheel).

The age is an advantage in the UK, if it is older than 1972 then it is classed as a classic vehicle then you pay no tax and lower insurance.

Did you get it S7ev0?


Just seen… you got! :smiley:

That makes the 5th unicyclist I know with a buggy!
