under construction

why has this web page been underconstruction for like a year aand a half? http://www.bedfordunicycles.ca/


Check out this thread: http://www.unicyclist.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=37354&highlight=bedford There is your answer…:slight_smile: If you need something from Darren, just e-mail or phone him.

Re: under construction

I don’t understand what you mean by under construction. I think the page is already built.

Re: Re: under construction

Let me translate that into terms he can understand:


it just has a front page

…and a extensive pricelist? :frowning:

Re: Re: Re: under construction

what does derrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr… mean

http://www.bedfordunicycles.ca/pricelist/bedford_unicycles_pricelist.pdf wow look what i found i just cliked on the dowlaod price list :roll_eyes:

supossibly thereis suppost to be a gallery and bios of the factory team riders but that is a rumor I heard


yeah thats it but as you see it is not done yet

Re: Re: Re: Re: under construction


Best post… ever!

Edit: Thanks Obie!

Re: under construction

All errors on unicyclist.org are monitored, and so I found your website that is “under construction”.
I’m not really happy with how it currently is.
I have’nt seen you in AIM for the past 48 hours, so please contact me, and we’ll work it out.

Re: Re: Re: Re: under construction


No i still dont get it what does derrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrf mean

It means exactly like it sounds.

say it in a deroguatory fasion to your little brother and you’ll see the affects.