Under 30 years old only allowed to post here: So what's with these OLD people, huh?

Under 30 years old only allowed to post here: So what’s with these OLD people, huh?

You know how OLD people are always sticking their nose into our business.

I’m hoping we can have a fun discussion about them old farts without them sticking their nose in or trying to CORRECT us, or make us behave.

What do you think?


“Don’t trust anyone over 30.”

I think it’s just NOT FAIR!!!


I’m with YOU, Phil!!

Don’t care, so there! :roll_eyes:

Boo! Old men can’t rap.

Anyone seen Logan’s Run?

I’m down with that!!

Bu the way, I was thinking we should allso ban anyone under age, you know, so we can talk really freely.

So between 15-30? Are all you cats hip with that? Can I get a “boo-yah” and hear my homies say “what”?

William, people your age (and size) generally don’t still go by the name “Billy”. And people your age generally don’t say “I’m down with that.” And people your age shouldn’t be in this thread.

Peace out, dog.

I was under the impression that Billy was just doing this to be ironic.

Here’s a Boo-Yah to Steve!

What’s say, DAWGS, uni57 just roll up on us cramping our STYLE, tryin’ scold us jes like we figured.

Old dew! Out!


shoulnt we all b typing likethis because we are so yung and hip taht we dont need speling or punctuation k cuase for real what is with all those old people not liking how we type lol i dont no why they care k

Shouldn’t be unicycling if you’re older than 25 anyway. What would your children say??


And what’s with all these saggy old maids on their unicycles? They need to get back to cake decorating classes and knitting club.


So, Billy, how old are you? I’m not aware of any mountains under the age of 30 years. :wink:

seager, you straight up trippin’ dawg. Its over 15’s up in 'ere.

Mike the schnizzle schnizzle.

And how many people in your old people’s home unicycle?


Everyone’s just against progress, man. Those squares don’t know anything about liberalism and freedom of speech and stuff. Liberalism is a civical right that we young people need to hold up in these turbulent and often stormy times.

what is up homeslice?
these oldies but goodies are straight trippin the light fantastic.
are you picking up what i am laying down?

Wuz up dorkybarb! howz it hangin’ homegirl?:smiley:

Stop telling us what to do! You oldies are always telling us what to do, it’s so unfair! Let us live our own lives yadda yadda…
