anybody else hooked into this yet? we are riding 20" trials unis and found it surprisingly easy to pick up the frisbee without dismounting. as it was soo fun the 13 year old figures it will be an olympic sport next decade:
3 second rule for passing
pickups without dismounting
passing and catching while on uni
goals are vertically mounted basketball hoops
potential developments:
multiple frisbees
multiple goals on each side
24" and 29" unis for midfield and downfield sprints (can anyone pick up off one of these sizes?)
something like Harry Potter’s Quiddich (sp?) but totally for real.
Atlanta area riders email me for a game (we have 4 riders so far and need more…)
We’ve played it before. We didn’t have a rule on picking up the frisbee, because we mostly ride 24" and it’s quite difficult. Also, if the frisbee’s on the ground it’s a turnover anyway.
Because not everyone we play with is a strong unicyclist, we made a rule that you didn’t have to idle to throw; you just needed to throw from where you caught it or further back.
We played on a basketball court, anywhere past the end line was a goal.
One other rule would be that you can dismount, but you cannot catch the disk or throw it unless you are on your uni. I think that you should be allowed 1 to 3 revs before throwing. And, I think it should be called Ultimate Uni.
I decided to try writing up some rules. I took lots of it from the UPA Ultimate rules. Feel free to correct, I know I screwed up a lot!
Eroick’s Rules Of Ultimate Uni:
A non contact game played by two teams consisting of seven players each. All players are on unicycles. The objective is to score goals by making a legal
catch in the opposing team’s endzone. As long as both teams agree, the rules can be changed to suit.
A player is any of the players which is currently participating.
A legal catch is a catch made while the catching player is on his or her unicycle.
A dismount is when a player gets off his or her unicycle intentionally or inintentionally.
The field is a rectangle 40 yards wide and 120 yards long.
The endzones are rectangles measured 25 yards in from each side of the field and are marked with a line or cones.
A free throw is when the thrower is permitted to throw the disk without any interferance by the defending team.
Any disk can be used as long as both teams agree.
Any unpowered unicycle with one wheel touching the ground is allowed.
Players should wear clothing or a uniform that distinguishes their team from the other.
Length of Game:
Each half lasts for twenty-four (24) minutes of stopped time.
Each overtime period lasts for five (5) minutes of stopped time.
The clock starts when:
An offensive player gains possession of a throw-off and establishes a pivot foot;
The marker touches the disc after a check;
The thrower puts the disc into play after it has been out of bounds.
The clock stops:
After a goal;
At the end of a period of play;
For time-outs;
For injuries;
For fouls and violations;
When the disc contacts an out-of-bounds area.
A goal is worth one (1) point.
A game to points lasts until one team scores twenty-one (21) goals with a margin of victory of at least two (2) goals.
A game with a score of twenty-to-twenty (20-20) goes into overtime, and play continues until a two-goal margin is achieved or one team scores
twenty-five (25) goals.
4. Halftime occurs when one team reaches eleven (11) goals.
Halftime lasts for ten (10) minutes.
At the end of the game, the team with the most goals is declared the winner.
Moving the disk:
All disk movement must be in the form of a pass.
A turnover is declared if:
Players cannot freely move while holding the disk.
Players may idle their unicycle while holding the disk.
Players may make three revs of their wheel while holding the disk.
Players may not hold the disk for more than 10 seconds.
The attacking team makes contact with the defending team.
A team scores one point when one of their players makes a legal catch in the opposing team’s endzone.
A turnover occurs when:
A pass is not legally caught by a member of the team which is attacking.
A player in possession of the disk dismounts his unicycle.
A pass goes out of bounds
A player volates one of the rules mentioned in Moving The Disk.
When a turnover occurs, the defending team is given the disk where it lies.
Contact is not allowed.
If contact occurs:
If the offending player is attacking:
A turnover is declared.
If the offending player is defending:
The attacking team is allowed to have one free throw from where the disk lies.
I ride with HitaTree. We had about 3 freesbees of widely varying quality and a heavy foam ball in the game at one time last week. A low seat helps you get to the ground to pick up the frisbee: idle, fold, grab, roll, throw.
On a 24" you can dash for a longer throw; much more maneuverability on the 20", though. Much better stopping and jumping for it. You could drop the seat on a 24" enough to pick up a frisbee, but you’d sacrifice speed.
As HaT said, we play on a large soccer field - but it’s during practice – so far – so part of it is in use. The soccer players are our kids - all about 6 years old. We only ran over a couple of them.
Next week we’re going to set the frisbee on fire for a game of flaming frisbee. (Bedford will be selling these next week. You just watch. )
I have done a lot of both but never together. Here’s my suggestions on the rules.
Feet must not be touching the ground before or during the catch.
Once a catch is made you can dismount to make a throw.
How 'bout 5 seconds for the passing rule? I forget what it is in the running version.
I like throwing touchdowns over goal lines over shooting baskets.
*** Hey hitatree, Have you got any games going?***
Not everyone is a good frisbee thrower. Having the thrower on the ground will make for better throws. More accurate long bombs makes the game higher quality(more fun).
Basketball court is nice because of smoothness.(no ruts etc), but frisbees are meant to fly farther than a B-ball court has to offer.
Defense can’t block thrower unless on the unicycle.( for now)