UK Only - I'm selling my Fiat Panda 1000CL

Since it’s not a unicycle or a unicycle part, I didn’t want to put this in the trading forum!

But for those of you in the UK looking for a cheap car check out my ebay listing:

They are great little cars and mine’s in great condition with low miles. The engines are renowned for their quality and it’s such a fun, cheap car to drive. I had fully comprehensive insurance as a 20 year old male, because they are just so cheap.

If you want any more information about it then PM me or email through ebay.

Is the photo reversed or is the steering wheel really on the wrong side?

Maybe you just look at it the wrong way.

That was it. I was behind the monitor. Thanks.

They have to have the wheel on the wrong side because they drive on the wrong side of the road!

Fix It Again Tony :slight_smile:

I want it so bad… But it’s in England… It would be a great car for getting to work on lousy weather days, I could just park my truck at work so I can tow the trailer if I need to.

Great car! Hope it sells quickly!

what do you mean, its on the right side

If the steering wheel is on the right side of the car, shouldn’t it also drive on the right side of the road?

Reminds me of the old '70’s saying regarding straight men’s ear rings: Left is right and right is wrong.

You got it all wrong. It has the steering wheel on the right side. Therefore you guys have it on the wrong side. If it’s got the steering wheel on the right side, it will drive on the right side too. Your side is perfectly wrong.

if the steering wheel is on the right side of the car you have to drive on the left side of the road so that the driver is positioned next to the center line.

so greatfull.
If only todays youth were the same.

Leo’s looking for a Panda! Im not sure he can afford to buy a new car atm though. Especially one from Scotland :frowning:

Are you being serious? Because I don’t think the posts confusing “right and left” with “right and wrong” were serious.

Please get this straight before you start driving. I want to visit your country someday and drive safely on the right side of the road.

Good luck on selling your Fiat. ROFLMAO :D:D

(I had a Fiat once.:o:()

I’ve been outside and checked my car. The steering wheel is definitely on the right and we drive on the left;)

Unless we’re on motorways of course and then a significant proportion of the population seem to drive in the middle. :roll_eyes:

Only paid up members of CLOG: the Centre Lane Owners’ Group.

Bumpy bumpy bump!

Buy my car! :slight_smile:

Lol, I seem to have created a fair bit of discussion. I’ve never driven a left hand drive car. Every time I went to change gear I’d probably end up opening the door!

Sorry for the bump:o The first time I drove a left hand drive my hand encountered the door a few times, but you soon get used to it. Good job as it was a people carrier with 8 others in it on mountain roads in Majorca!

Good luck on selling the Panda.

Guess you sold it.