UK: Lands End to John o'Groats 7 day record attempt, Sept 2009

Just the thought of it makes me feel dizzy.


Well done you two, that is truely amazing speed! I still have no Idea how you did it, especially as Sam was still riding his bike when I was doing LEJOG because of his shoulder, you must of had barely any training! You did brilliantly!

Unicycle Lands End to John o’Groats record: 6 days 8hrs 43 minutes. (858 miles, 1381 km)

Thanks for all your encouraging messages, we have been checking in with Roger’s iPhone and it really kept us going to think of people watching for our progress.

It is wonderful to be finished. I can’t quite believe it - I don’t have to get up at 5am or earlier tomorrow to put on lycra, force down flapjacks, bananas and Ibuprofen, or sit on a unicycle seat. Bliss.

Here’s a quick picture of us climbing the sharpest hill of the trip today - the Berridale Braes. Definitely a low-gear hill.

I will try to write a bit more blurb and post some more pictures tomorrow, after a good sleep. Woo - we did it.

Thanks again everyone.


You don’t get the true scale of the hill in that picture, your pace over the whole trip was amazing, being able to ride up the Berridale Braes at all is very impressive, but after all those miles, I really don’t know how you both did it.

Well done to Paul as well, without your help there is no way the riders would of been able to keep such a high mileage, most support teams have more than one person, to keep those hours with the riders, and have things ready for them must have kept you very busy.

Hope you all enjoy a very well earned rest.


Totally agree.

Yes, I’d not really thought about Paul’s challenge. Having done the 5 peaks (highest peaks in UK and Ireland) earlier this year as a team of 4 without a dedicated driver that was tough enough over 48 hours. Being a 1 man support team over 7 days must have been (expletive deleted) hard!

Respect to all of you. A well deserved record.

Paul was a support driver (along with Miark) on our Three Peaks Challenge so I know he’s very good and it was a team effort so I agree, all of them deserve repect. (They’re still a bit mad though ;))

24 hours later…

We are still stiff and tired after our little ride. Sam does a great impression of a swiveling hips cowboy and I am cringing everytime I move my knees.

The ride was fun (mostly) and very very very hard. Looking back I can see I have learnt a lot about my riding abilities. Speed is not everything on a ride like this. Preparation and planning help lots. Having good reliable tested kit is essential and being fit. Little things like having the right music in your MP3 player is important - check that your fixer music is the same as your schlumpf music (for me it is not!).

There is going to be an article in the next UniMag (I think) about the ride. Paul took lots and lots of really amazing photos! not all of them with unicycles in them… we did ride through some really beautiful areas… do you think we could persuade him to put up a photo gallary?

Any suggestions on what you would like to hear about in a UniMag article?


Sam, Roger-

You guys rock. You guys are rocks. Congratulations on finishing what must have been a brutal ride and in setting a new record. Who would have thought a few years ago that so many of these unicycling records would be smashed. What’s next?

having seen just how unprepared these guys were before the start of the trip… Paul did a very hard job keeping them fed, watered, on route, up in the morning, properly clothed for the conditions etc etc.
I had my doubts that they would manage to stick to the 7 day schedule. I thought 8 was possible. I guess Paul REALLY REALLY wanted to be at that stage do this weekend.

oops, sorry I forgot to post up the last days Garmin information.

Here is the link.


Hi Roger.

It would be great to see a photo gallery of the trip. I am looking forward to the article as well.

It would be good to know what equipment you used, speeds you travelled, how you managed to cycle on the roads you did without getting run over, and how you managed to cycle up and down the Berridale Braes!

Enjoy you rest.


What I would like to hear about is…

-Any equipment problems?
-Were you both using 29er tubes to save weight or did you use coker tubes?
-How did you overcome saddle soreness??? Today I did a fun 32 mile very hilly ride and I must have been on a bike too much b/c … Ouch, I forget how much a unicycle saddle hurts on a “long” ride.
-Knee pain…if you are getting knee pain so bad, isn’t that your body screaming “WTF are you doing!” I am paranoid with knee pain, I have been pain free for a year now due to strengthening supporting muscles and…not unicycling as much as I was before.
-How does it feel to be so awesome?

I can’t wait to see more pics. Great job guys.

Congrat’s, well done on accomplishing what you set out to do. Hardcore for sure.

Well done guys…not just Sam and Roger but Paul as well…what an amazing effort all around!

Yep, would love to see some photos of your unicycle set-up and any equipment issues as well.

You might not want to share, but I would like to hear about stuff like:

  • What made you decided to do this?
  • What kept you motivated?
  • What kept you going when everything hurt?
  • How did you feel when you finished it and how do you feel now?

That sort of thing :smiley:

Oh, and to satisfy my appetite…what did you eat and how much did you eat?


A demonstration of super human condition and determination.

I raise my hat to an amazing acheivement.


is there any chance left to top you :thinking:
you set the benchmark!
congratulations :sunglasses:


Fantastic work guys! All three of you have done so well, and it was great keeping an eye on your progress here.

Looks like it’ll be some time before this record is broken. Maybe you could look at an unsupported record next to give Paul a break next time? :slight_smile:


Excellent work! Congratulations! Very inspirational for sure. I can’t wait to read more about it. :slight_smile: