Hi Folks,
I’m packing up the 24’ Uhaul, heading across the country to my new job. I wondered if any of you had good stories about saying goodbye, moving, and making new friends?
I’d like to hear!
Hi Folks,
I’m packing up the 24’ Uhaul, heading across the country to my new job. I wondered if any of you had good stories about saying goodbye, moving, and making new friends?
I’d like to hear!
Find the unicycle club in your new city. If there isn’t a local unicycle club then start one.
If you need an overnighter, our house is open to you. Mary and I would be glad to help you save a hotel fee. We’re about 45 minutes north of I-80 in Illinois. You would even join a growing list of guest unicyclists that have visited our home.
No but I have some advice for long trips in rental trucks. I don’t know if any of this will still be useful to you, but here goes:
Test everything in the vehicle. If it’s supposed to have a ramp, make sure it actually has a ramp (been there). If it has a radio, make sure the radio has speakers (been there!). Test all the lights and other features before leaving the rental place.
This one’s harder to test. Make sure your truck can go fast. I drove all the way across this big country in a 24’ Ryder truck that would only go 55 mph on level ground. It was governored off that way. This meant 35 mph up the mountains in PA, at night, with the car I was towing hanging out to possibly get rear-ended!
If you’re pulling a car, use a trailer. Do not use a tow dolly for multi-day, long trips! A tow dolly is the thing where the front wheels of the car are on it, and the rear wheels are on the ground. The problem with these things is that you can’t back them up! It’s like having a double trailer, so it tends to hook in one direction or another. You don’t want to drive cross-country without the ability to back up, because you’re going to need to every once in a while. Been there!
Don’t drive with your eyes closed. In other words, if you’re feeling tired, stop driving! Falling asleep at the wheel was the death of at least one person I know.
Best of luck on your trip!
Thanks John
I’ll heed your pointers. It’s going to be a Beverly Hillbillies type move. Me, my son, two dogs, a grumpy cat and two canaries. I did already rent the trailer that you suggested for the car. Many of the animals will be riding in the car, not the Uhaul cab. I love animals, but i hope this is the last time I have to move very far with them. Sparky, the perpetually car-sick beagle, will be on heavy sedatives for most of the ride. Hope that helps her, poor girl!
The neighbors have been placing wagers on whether I’ll make it or not! I leave Tuesday.
Here is one bit of advice that comes from my own experience. It may sound trivial, but I wish someone had told me.
I rented a UHaul to move from seminary in St. Louis to my first church in Minnesota. On the way hoime from the rental store, I got in the left lane to pass someone, only to notice that the passenger side mirror had swivelled out of position and I couldn’t see anything in the right lane to know when it was safe to merge back in. All I could do was speed up and pass someone and slowly move over after I had passed.
Moral: Make sure your mirrors are tight before you drive off.