UDC order

John_Childs, eternally vigilant, prowling even the most inane threads of Just Conversation just in case someone threadjacks with a valid technical question.

JC, you are The Man.

Not true, You still piss me off with some stuff, yo’re just less lame, so I leave you alone. Obie has been away forever, so he hasnt had any chances to harass you…

You’re a cool kid, but Maestro is right… I don’t think you even needed new bearings, the guy at the bike shop was probably just trying to make a sale…

And each one, I bet, enhanced, extended, and embellished by a Maestro8 composition on Tyler’s shortcomings…

Well, let me just say that if you are serious I could get something done about it in a way that might involve court. Please tell me you are kidding. Also, you have no proof of any foul play because there isn’t any. Let me just warn you that if you do that, my dad would be on your tail so fast you wouldn’t even be able to change it back in time. He’s a lawyer and he could sue the crap out of you. You don’t even know the tracking or order number, so you have no way of specifying what shipment, either.

Jeez, Tyler, don’t you have some homework or something to do? It was obviously a joke.

Don’t make Maestro8 come over there…


Okay Im fine now.:slight_smile:

You don’t know how many times a day I have to do that…

Thanks, but I’m not talking about removing them from the frame (I’ve already done that), I want to take them off of the hub. Advice?

You need what the automotive shops call a pulley puller. In the unicycling world we call them bearing pullers. They’re designed to pull off power steering pulleys and other small pulleys and gears for automobile repair. They also happen to do a great job of pulling off bearings from unicycle hubs.

UDC sells one: Evercraft bearing puller
You can get the same type of bearing puller from a NAPA auto parts store.

There is also a type of pulley puller that uses three arms to hook on to the pulley (or bearing). These also work but require more clearance behind the bearing because the hooks are thicker. If you get the three arm style of pulley puller you may have to grind down the arms to be able to fit the hooks behind the bearing to remove the bearing from a unicycle hub. Just go to an auto supply store and you’ll see what I’m talking about.

If you have a choice, go for the Evercraft style of bearing puller instead of the three arm or two arm style.

This is from the order confirmation email when I bought my first unicycle…

Order amount: $422.21
ShippingCost: $97.31
Shipping Method: UPS Next Day Air
Tax: $0.00
Handling: $0.00

Payment Type: MerchantTrust
Date of Order: Oct 16 2002

Yup, a hefty 20" Semcycle Deluxe (and a videotape) shipped overnight.

When you gotta have it, you gotta have it.

Tyler, you don’t need patience, you just need a high-paying job. Never waste money, but don’t be afraid to use plenty of it to get exactly what you want (not always, but occasionally when the mood strikes). Parents try to teach their kids the value of money, which is a good thing. But what about the value of time? I value time more than money. Money can be made back, but time is lost forever.

I’ve paid more for shipping than for the item shipped at times. I have no patience for certain things… like waiting for a new toy. And right now, if I needed something right away, I wouldn’t bother figuring out shipping zones or how many days the cheapest way of shipping would take. I have more important things toward which to direct my energy and time, such as starting my own business and researching health and wellness issues (my business has the potential to make me a boat-load of money and my health research has the potential of saving me a boat-load of money in health-care later in life). You can spend so much time clipping coupons and counting your pennies that you miss a golden entrepreneurial opportunity which can render all of that irrelevant.

This shipping issue isn’t important; it’s just funny to me because I’ve done the same sort of thing on many occasions. I can relate to this, including the reactions people have to it. Sorry to get so philosophical! This is not a “defense of Tyler” post. It’s more like a “you go girl!” post.


Wow, I wish I had an extra 97 bucks layin around for shipping! So, how much did that Semcycle cost itself?


I just looked at that order more closely. There were two other videos I ordered that were out of stock and cancelled from the order. So, the order total was a bit less.

I had a four-day weekend and I wanted the unicycle in time for it. It was a great weekend – my first time on a unicycle. It was worth $97 for that (and for those memories).

They want $18.03 for UPS Ground shipping. So was it worth the extra $79? Yes, because it made the difference between a wonderful long weekend of unicycling for the first time vs. an excruciating unicycle-less wait until I had to go back to work (and then the unicycle would arrive).

How’d you know to get a nice Sem so early? Did you have someone who could tell you a nice one?

Tyler that seems to be the first time I’ve seen a lack of maturity from you. I know your young and naive and sometimes annoying but that’s being young. You’ve covered it farily well till just there. (I don’t care if anyone disagrees)

UPS I’m sure must deal with thousands and thousands of packages a day. I think that once it got in the system it would be incredibly hard to track. I could be wrong there but if I was, I can almost guaruntee you that no “head honcho” would go out of his way to look for and stop a $16 package from going through. He would undoubtedly be very busy and have no time to worry about such a trifle.

Second if your Dad is a big lawyer he is busy too, and I doubt very much that he would bother to sue anyone for a $16 package. It would not be worth his time or money and he could jsut easily reimburse you. If for some reason he did take the case suing the crap out of halfbike probably wouldn’t be more than your $34, unless you went for pain and suffering or something and your dad is an amazing lawyer. Again not worth the effort.

You’re mention of foul play makes no sense to me also.

Please don’t resort to threatening people with your father, In the real world or over the internet. It just makes you seem like a real weener (haha yeah I went there, that word doesn’t look nearly as funny as it sounds). If someone said that to me I would totally disregard anything they said from then on by reflex, but I remember that you’re eleven and that is probably a farily normal response, so I will probably forget about the statement. You already knew that halfbike couldn’t do that as stated in your final statement.

If you had stopped to think about what he said first then you wouldn’t have made such a ridiculous, impulsive post. Boy do I ever sound like my friend kettle. I am dissappointed in myself that I took time out my life to type that but it had to be done. I’m going to ride.

I go for express shipping too.


Huh? Tyler Cox is a girl…? What?

Made me think of

THIS NEWS STORY I read today…(Not safe for young readers.)

I kindly request you guys to stop this now. As far as I know, Tyler has an excellent character and I consider this rude and cruel.

This website presents a definition of harassment:

Bingo, huh?

So let’s leave Tyler’s character out of this and concentrate on unicycling.

And - by the way - there are legal protections available to the victims of harassment.

Tyler – I apologize for the treatment that you’ve been receiving and I hope that it stops, or that the admin of this site act to stop it. And I hope that you’ll continue to enjoy unicycling and the unicycling community.

I wish I was as aware of my surroundings at age 16 as Tyler is at age 11.

Tylers not being harrased. He knows when to take a joke.

Agreed, Tyler gets much less negative comments than before, and none as harsh as they were before. I hate to say it U-Turn, but posts like that make me sick. Tyler can defend himself for the most part, and people explain his errors when he cant. It sickens me when people try to use posts like that to guilt everyone into being nice. Nothing against you personally, but back off.

Just thought I’d throw my two cents into it. I still love ya U-Turn.