Here’s a pointless question that invites as much sarcasm as can be dished out.
Frequently when I’m on at fairly early hours on the east coast I see a number of west coasters on as well. I’m talking 6 and 7 o’clock my time.
What the hell are you people doing during your nights and early mornings that you’d be up?
For a while now, I have had almost no school at all, so it’s not odd for me to stay up all nigh or at least till 4’ in the mornin’. But it’s all good, plenty of other people stay up too, and sometimes we even talk on the phone… all night. I just hate it when everyone stops posting for about an hour or so, and I have already posted to things, and there is that long silence in the fora.
My List of people I have talked to on the phone:
Jagur(a good 4 hour convo about alot of stuff)
Dave Lowell(15 minutes, mostly about how New York is cool and Dvorak keyboards)
TheObieOne(really short, about how are voices are eerily alike)
TimBraun(short, about why he and his sister are both awake and kickin at like 4 in the morning)
DigitalAttrition(Me: Hello, Nick: You a**, Me heheh click)
total uni(Me:Hello? Evan:hello?, me:what’s up? Evan: Uhhhhh… me:click)
So far though, there nothing quite like talking to Jag at 4 in the morning about suicide mounts and Ballet…
I usually awake, startled, at about 2:00AM or 3:00AM. My concern is the wave of inanity that is about to hit RSU from the east coast. I begin to tremble and break out in a cold sweat. I get up and log on, hoping that Raphael Lasar has not yet attacked the internet. Sometimes I’m there ahead of time but there’s nothing I can do to stop the relentless posting of interesting unicycle stories. Sometimes I’m just too late.
John Childs usually calls at about 4:00AM. Inevitably he asks, “has Raphael logged on yet?” We weep together over the phone knowing that the east coast storm is as unstoppable (and about as quick in wit) as the moving of the continents. Unfortunately, we both also know that Dave Gild has probably already posted something as cheerful, positive, and encouraging as Raphael from South Africa by that time. We feel helpless so we drink chocolate milk or Pepsi and try to go back to sleep.
We are pathetic, trembling jellyfish. So we send hate mail to John Foss to make ourselves feel better. Then we realize he’s on OUR coast and our acts are futile. Oh well, at least he used to live on the east coast.
Also, I’m always looking for something cool before I go to bed. Last week I found a fact about every American president. Last night I memorized New York New York by Frank Sinatra, then I’ll stop by here to see what’s going on.
Yay! I have no friends either…so I stay on all night waiting for specific people to come online on msn…to see if anything is going to happen between me and them.
nothing ever does though…
(sept I’m on the east side…but yeah…that’s why I stay online so much)
My work and family life has been too full to ride during the day lately. I’m busy from dawn to bedtime.
In order to get in ride time I joined our block watch program. After the family goes to bed I put on my clown suit and cruise the neighborhood. It has been very effective in scarring off the burglars, vandals, taggers, and other rif-raf that come out after dark.
About 3:00AM Pacific time I come in, check RSU, and go to bed.
I’ve also taken to sending him a check once a year. And that seems to make me feel MUCH better.
My excuse for the late postings is that I have a really short attention span. Late night seems to be when I get my “third wind” as far as brainpower goes, so I often work once the rest of the fam is asleep. But because of the forementioned attention problem, I can’t work solid…I need to break it up with visits to the fora.
I just browsed over this, curious as to who was posting so early.
Then I realized I did it last week too, one or two posts around 3:00am my time. I was at my wife’s office for a short emergency that was happening there, though once I was there I had nothing to do. So I sat down at one of the computers to see what was up here. Sad.
This is, hands down, the most addictive website I have ever come upon.
I don’t think the regions matter–I often suffer from insomnia, and this place…well, it’s the next best thing to actually riding and by the time I have finished reading the threads I like (or writing my own pointless posts, as this one) I look over at the clock and it says 230 AM.
Ugh…it always happens on the days I have to get up really early…
Very true, this is addictve, and one of my main inspirations to keep riding. I probably would not be riding if it weren’t for this place, to keep me motivated and such.
Also, I often see people like Obie and Kev on till 5 in the morning on the east coast, and only 2 here.
im on late because i like to use the time to launch late night assaults on peoples posts…somtimes i wake in a midnite stuper and log in just to raz the first poor saps post i see that rubs me the wrong way. other times i lay in wait till all is quite, a calculated attack but healthy to the fora…a blend.
somtimes i go through old threads using the search. its so emotional to read those good Ol-day threads. some of them make me smile others–a tear wells and slowly becomes to much to hold back. i dont dare think about all who post no more, are their lives better than mine? where did they go? did they say goodbye or did i miss the their farwell thread? im so lonly…i must forget_my_life because surley you will forget_mine.