u know, its kidna hard to..

when u think about it people seem to try to have conversations on here, this is directed to gilby the dude maker , u shoudl make a unicyclist IM thingy that u click on to enter adn people can just talk fastly

The place for talking ‘fastly’ is right [THREAD=21964]here[/THREAD]!
Trust me…the talking gets REAL fastly in there.

No, it doesn’t get REAL fast in there.
Don’t mislead this new person, he may go in there expecting it to get fast, then all the sudden, he posts, and there are three new pages!
Just be warned, when in there, it gets going, faster than REAL fast.

Voss is my friend Mike, from across the street.

Use msn. THat goes fast, and just add unicyclist. =p

IMing leads to the destruction of communication. It is going to cause an entire generation of people who make themselves look like idiots when they get out in the workplace and are in the habit of communicating in the same way.

Save yourself now and stop the IMing.


I dare someone to read most replys all the way through in 24hours.

I’ll give u candy!

kno wee wil alwas know hwo to t@lk!!:stuck_out_tongue:

Unless of course you have the intelligence and good sense to understand that like verbal communication, in digital communication the rules of how you talk to your peers and to your ‘betters’ are different. :smiley:

Any friend of Jerrick’s is a friend of ours.
Welcome to the forum.

Go kick him in the head for us so he’ll learn to type. :wink:

Next time I play Gladiator and he is with me, Ill throw him off his uni and scream “That was for Dudewithasock!!!” hell be like :thinking: :astonished: then Ill jsut walk away and say “learn to type.”

It will be perfect.

Good plan.


Voss: What’s your name?
Jerrick: You don’t want to know my name. I don’t want to know your name.
Voss: Just a friendly question.
Jerrick: Gladiators don’t make friends. If we’re ever matched in the arena together, I have to kill you. Now learn to type.

give thanks to the dutch

you know jerrick, i may beat u one of these times which reminds me once u get back from rocky’s knowing u always check this and whatnot, ur ont on msn or id leave mesage on that but yea ,2 things one do u haev liek adisc cleaner my game stoped working(The Legend of Dragoon, one of the best fuckign gaems mwuhahah!) but yea also i wanna go unicycle ive been working on my uni-spins and i can get them down liek 2 out ov every 6 or soemthing which would be 1 out of 3, which means tpac is alive!!(inside joke ifhe remembers) anyways!

But I am on msn. =p

I get my KH today, so once I get it, we can go riding. :slight_smile:

Dude, I don’t think I could understand you even if you were speaking.

Kidna hard to type?

o.O no ur not unless itsset to offline… anyways u are on!