Two Rochelle High School Youths Responsible for Hollywood Fire


Man, it seems like kids from Rochelle can’t stop setting things on fire… last time some kid was set on fire, now a field. Seems like they must be getting a little too excited over soccer or something.

Or wrestling.

It’s more than a field. It was across the street from where I work. Luckily I was sick on friday and stayed home so I didn’t have to deal with all the traffic and hecticness that came along with it.

I was banned once for telling white lies.

More on the story from kids at the high school: The two boys were lighting sticks and twigs on fire with a lighter when a security guard came out and yelled at them. The boys put the fire out and went to Taco Bell. When they returned, everything was on fire.

Ben knows the two boys from school, and one family is friends of ours.