Two Hobbies (What a problem)

I have a problem. I have two Hobbies, unicycling and birding…both are rather expensive. The problem? One day I will see a nice uni that is at a decent price, and be thinking about buying it, but I know there is this awsome pair of Binoculars or a really cool birding program…you may say that this is no problem, but I’m really into it, and my mom and dad are stressed on money already, so there is no help from them. Do you have any solultions??

Start dealing drugs?

Not…Somthing practical…And I can’t Mow lawns, I live out in the middle of no where.

Move to a big city and start mowing lawns?

And don’t knock drug dealing. I’ve got a friend who used to make a living off of it. And it left him with a lot of useful contacts, too…

sorry but… birding?! is that an americanism for ornithology? get a job…?

My age is a little bit of a problem when it comes to getting a job, the options are limited

Sheryl Crowe: It’s not having what you want It’s wanting what you’ve got.
Sinead O’Connor: I do not want what I haven’t got.

Now he wasn’t nearly as cute as either of these two, but I’m pretty sure the Buddha said something similar.

Sheryl Crowe: It’s not having what you want It’s wanting what you’ve got.
Sinead O’Connor: I do not want what I haven’t got.

I guess your right.:slight_smile:

You could do like I’ve done. Stick with inexpensive hobbies until you’re old enough to get a good job. Then you can pay for yourself to do all the things you wished you could do when you were a kid. As “adult” hobbies go, unicycling is fairly inexpensive.

birding - hunting for girls, sounds like an awesome hobby mate! and its xray glasses you want not binoculars.

Start doing odd jobs, uni is soo muich better than bird watching once you get into it :wink:

What does odd job have to do with unicycling or bird watching?

The sharp hat edges would be useful for the people who him a cricus freak :slight_smile:

Are binoculars like unicycles in that you have to have a different size/design for different styles of riding? Do you have different binoculars for different birds? different locations? I always thought birding was a relatively inexpensive hobby once you get past the good binoculars.

It’s either twitching or airborne dogging.

You have a DX, and im pretty sure you wont be breaking that for a long time, specially being 12, so just save up, and buy stuff for birding until you really need a new uni.

go for the binoculars

I may be going against the flow here but I would say get the good binocs as they will not get worn out with time and will still be of good quality many years in the future. I use a pair of Bushnells for hunting that are probably 30 years old and give a sharper brighter image than any of the newer smaller more compact (and expensive) binoculars I have used. a spotting scope is something i would consider if you are looking fair distances, they tend to give a very good picture compared to their price tag but may be a bit more cumbersome to carry and use.

A good pair of binoculars can also be used for various types of sightseeing and stargazing.

Using a crappy unicycle can still be fun, using crappy optics is not.


P.S. do not unicycle with good binoculars; it can be hazardous to their health.

In the context of this thread should that not have been Sheryl Crow and Sinead O’Condor?

…and Jamessd: Bill Oddie in the UK uses the term “birding”. I don’t like it though.


I feel you pain bro. Just look at my name. I have a lot of hobbies that can be pretty expensive. I haven’t been able to practice my pistol shooting much because of the high price of copper driving up bullet prices. I’m not a birder, but I am a herper (someone who hunts reptiles) and the price of gas makes it hard for me to get out to good places. I also play banjo. They are way more expensive than guitars ( a banjo has about 3 times more parts). I’m also big into longboarding.

On top of all that I am a college student working only 20 hours a week. My friends that don’t have any hobbies (other than partying) are always wondering why I’m too broke to go out to the bars. I would suggest you get used to not having money. Having to save up a long time always makes things much sweeter once you get them.

The birding where I live is amazing

I live on a major migration route. The birds actually bottleneck at my island at the extreme southern tip of Florida, then fly across the gulf to Mexico.

I have a set of 10x25 Zeiss roof prisms, perhaps the best daylight binocs when I bought them 12 years ago.

I think they are slightly overated IMHO. You could do as well with Pentax or Nikons that cost much less in my opinion. Then, the inside of mine have grown a bit dirty over the years and I haven’t had them cleaned.

I would suggest buying a real cheap uni, or a really good one. Medium grade binocs aren’t as lame as medium grade uni’s. But what do I know LOL. My eyes aren’t as good as they used to be!

The worst part of owning a set of 500 $ binocs is I tend to leave them home on the shelf. A cheaper pair of waterproof binocs may have served me better. They need to be there to be used. Great birds have a way of showing up unexpectedly. If I had paid less for my glass, I would have carried them around more I think, in hindsight.