why do americans like to play rugby with armour and call it football? pointless really. just like this thread, but it is stupid though, why not call it armoured rugby?
Maybe because to Americans it’s football, and not armoured rugby? That would be like them starting to call it american football just because English people do.
Rugby is actually called rugby football, hence the American version was called American football.
British football is more properly known as assosciation football, hence ‘soccer’.
It’s quite silly really. The ball barely ever touches your feet. It should be more of “collision ball” or something that describes a bunch of overweight people fighting over a ball and running into one another.
I prefer watching rugby to American football for a couple of reasons.
Firstly, don’t really get much of it here.
Secondly, I think it’s a lot more fluid. Less stopping and starting. Plus no body armour is waaaay more hardcore.
But, American football aint too bad. I watched the superbowl when it was on and was pretty entertaining.
Firstly, don’t really get much of it here.
Secondly, I think it’s a lot more fluid. Less stopping and starting. Plus no body armour is waaaay more hardcore.
No body armour? Helemts, gum gaurds and shin gaurds are de rigour these days.
But yes the not stopping for 5 minutes every fourteen seconds does make it far superiour to AF.
But at the end of the day, things are only called what other people call them… despite their true meanings, if that makes sense?
I completly agree with you cheeseD, all those americans have got it wrong.
Football(english) was originally called soccer… i cannot remember the actual history.
I love it, i played all through school. Representing the state a few times. Played my first club match at sixteen.
Stopped playing due to back problem, one leg was slightly longer than the other, i had to have a year off. Never got back into it. Am starting again next year, cant wait!
Off Topic? Thats right you grizzly mousetraps.
two types of football
Yeah, see, you get yer touch football, and yer tackle football.
Touch football is less formal you see, and is usually played by younger kids or with family and stuff. Tackle football is the “real” thing, and is only called tackle football by those who play touch football.
Obviously ya don’t need armor for touch football.