Twisted Ankle

Holy shit
today i trying a outflip when landing i twisted my ankle and the uni fall on my leg

my ankle is really big right now. i went to a doctor imediatly and he said that was only a ligament twist

i suck too mutch because my crankflip sux and my outspin sux too
i was not suposed to be trying something like outflip

iam medicated right now and a little doped and putting ice on the injury

this sux so damm mutch!

Well at least, you’re still able to walk. It’s better than what i have which is permanent dislocating legs. :smiley: :smiley: Hope you get soon my friend, try to relax as much as possible.

Take care

Hey there! Ligament twist, eh?

On February 23, 2006 I did the same thing. I got 2 x-rays to make sure there was no fracture. …

My ankle never healed. It’s been over a year, and still just as bad as the day I did it.

After months of physiotheropy on it, I gave up and just accepted the fact that I’ll never be the same.


I moved in with a girl who does “laser theropy”. In Canada, it’s not very popular. The doctors don’t tell you about it because they don’t get any money to write references. But I tell you - it heals alomst anything. It’s amazing!

So! if it gets to the point where your ankle just doesn’t heal, ask me more about the laser theropy, it’s really great!

Yeah I did in my ankle 3 times in a similar fashion, i found that ultrasound really helped it heal quickly in conjuction with physio and special exercises. They still take a full 3 months to heal completely, I could still ride on it before then but it would twinge occassionally or have periods where it was uncomfortbale.

man you guys are serious?

dammt! i was thinking in about 1-2 weeks of healing
thats suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuxxx

fucking outflip!

i know a massagist that is fisioterapeut that is acunpunturist and do massages for sportists… he always heal everything in me…
if it dont heal i will call him…

i whana rideeeeeeee
beatiful day outside… iam so pissed !

q merda!!!

it really sucks… what did the doctors say?

they said that was a ligament twist and not time for healing… it will all depends on how mutch ice i put on it on the first 24 hours after the injurie
:angry: :angry: :angry:
puta que pariu caralho porra vai tomar no cu

Dude that sucks so bad I hope you heal fine and can uni again just fine. I twisted my ankle like landed on the side of my foot trying to hop of a bench and I can say twisting ankles sucks :angry: !!!

now my ankle is becoming a little black because of the blood on it.
now have been 24 hours from the accident and i was wondering in start the treatment with ice and hot to flow the blood

Generally you should avoid heat at this phase of recovery; it can increase the swelling while the injury is fresh. Don’t use heat for 72 hours after the injury. For now, ice and elevation.

exactly!!! I was going to say avoid the heat - so you’re right on.

ok iam out of heat!

hey guys.
after some friends saw the swelling they said that i can fucked a ligament .
iam really worried now and thinking

i can walk if i broke a ligament?
the pain is not that big

tomorrow i will take a magnetic resonance to see the ligaments on my foot .

iam really worried.
and i hate friends that make me worried

nothing to worry about. just ice it, elevate it, take ginger capsules (anti-inflammatory) and it’ll get better. get yourself some of the sixsixone ankle guards and they’ll help you uni while you heal and keep you from hurting your ankle again.

hey… this is some pics of my foot
5 days after the injurie

i can walk but my foot cant take side stress


Snap! But seriously, that doesn’t look too bad, I hope it heals quicker than mine did.

wow man!

you injurie is really bad too.
when you did it? is already healed?

as we can see by the 2 pictures the injurie was in the same place and the blood just went to the same place. fingers and back of the foot

I did that 29th december 2005, healed fine in the end and it’s as good as ever now, but it took many weeks. I couldn’t wear socks with tight elastic for weeks because it would make my foot fill up with blood and go purple.

yea… i cant use socks… thats sux!

you did fisioterapy ?

iam thinking about some acupunture and fisio

yes i had physiotherapy, including ultrasound and did ankle exercises to help bring the strength back and stop it form getting too tight.