TV or no TV

I’ve always been impressed with how few TV-based threads there are on

I don’t have a TV. Are there other riders who go without TV?

gasp no tv? how long have you been without one blake? we have tvs at my house but theyre mostly to watch reality shows.

I watched a lot as a kid. I left home when I was 16. Didn’t have a TV.
About 10 years later, I had one for two years in the 1990s and watched Northern Exposure and Star Trek TNG, but left it when I moved out of that house. That was about 10 years ago.

I get a lot of other stuff done without one around.

i have one in my room, i used to always have it on when i was in here for background noise, mostly news, as we dont have cable, but nothing comes in any more its just fuzzy and im too lazy to tune it in, so i dont really watch tv, the only tv i watch is cable when my dad comes out at the friends house he stays at

my family owns several TV’s, but I almost never watch it. sometimes I watch a movie or something, or if my dad is watching the Simpsons or somethin cool like that I’ll watch it. but I almost never watch it myself.

I had one in CT, but left it behind when I moved to TX. I loved Star Trek TNG and Deep Space Nine, Babylon 5, and the British comedies. Whose Line is a great show too. At an earlier address, I had the Speed Channel and loved to watch the 18 foot sailboat racing.

I don’t really miss it, though it would be nice to be able to watch my uni videos at home.

I lived in houses without TVs until the age of 7. Then I left home at 22 and have not had a TV since. That’s no TV in the house since April 27th 1985. Just over 20 years.

Every time I think of buying one, I go to my friend’s house and watch the patronising rubbish on his for half an hour or so, then realise how good books, radio, and hobbies are.

no tv here. the most tv i watch is the channel one crap that they make us watch for school.

seems like most unicyclists don’t like TVs…interesting.
someone should make a real life poll.

I thought there’d be quite a few folks who didn’t watch a lot of TV here.

I do watch a DVD on my laptop once a month or so. Usually an opera or an old batman movie (where they have words like KAPLOOOIE in big flashes during an obviously staged fight.).

Just like how our bodies are affected by what we eat and what we do with them, I think our minds are vulnerable to what we expose them to and how we exercise them. I am very deliberate about what I expose myself to, even though I’m all grown up.

I have one in my room, though it hasn’t gotten near as much use as it did before I started unicycling. I’ll occasionally watch TBS or Food Network, but mostly it’s been used for my Seinfeld DVDs and Defect lately. I listen to music more often now, when I’m not out uni’ing.

We watch TV all the time. Whether it’s the news (my dad always has that on) or westerns, westerns, westerns. (my dad watches Gunsmoke and Bonanza reruns forever)

If there’s a good movie on we watch it. We also watch stuff like the Andy Griffith show, Cosby show, etc. etc. etc.

I can live without Tv, im on the internet most of the time so it doesnt bother me, rather than watching tv if i get bored i do like 50 press ups or something. its healthier not owning anything that keeps you as a couch potato lol

My family has 5 TVs in our house… and I rarely watch anything more than the news. TV is a waste of time, and almost everything that’s on now is crap. I’ve almost stopped watching entirely, but I definitely still use it for DVDs and the news.

I just killed my TV while unplugging my DVD/VCR and putting in my GameCube cords. It fell from the first shelf as you can see in the pic below. It was on when it fell, and it screeched for like 20 seconds and then stopped. It’s sound works, but no picture. My dad’s bringing me home a new one tonight. I just hope it’s not a hand-held… :wink: My TV is in a little TV room off of my bedroom. The room was probably meant for storage when the house was built, but we carpeted, painted, and heated it for a TV/play room.

I watch reality mostly. My favorite shows are:

Fear Factor
Family Plots
Dog the Bounty Hunter
Ripley’s Believe it or Not
The weird TLC shows about deformed people and crazy diseases

I probably watch around 1 hour of TV per day.

Some times watch tv but usually I’m to busy with school work, unicycling, or on the computer. I try to watch The office but sometimes I’m to tired and I also like myth busters, American chopper, and some random stuff.

I don’t have a TV either. I leart to live without one a few years ago when my flatmates broke. When he moved out I never replaced it.

I sometimes watch DVD’s on my computer, and I do have a TV Card, but I only use that when there is something I really want to watch (usually the Tour de France, or cycling at the Olympics).

I listen to a lot of radio (ABC Local Radio for those in Australia), but that is mostly background noise as I read a lot.


We have one, but we only get two channels (abc and nbc, not worth watching) so I never watch tv. Sometimes I’ll watch a bit of Jay Leno’s monologue, though, but that’s about it.

Mmmm, I’m turning into a potato I’m afraid. Maybe I just need to buy myself a comfy reading chair as an alternative to just flopping on the bean bag and flipping on the ‘tube’.
TV is just so easy.
I do stick to my ‘20 sit-ups during the ad-breaks’ fitness regime tho.

i’m more of a mouse potato than couch potato.