Turning Japanese, er, North Korean

After reading the news today of N. Korea’s missile demonstration / test, I believe I’ve got a better understanding of their apparent insolence through the “talks” with the US… some quotes follow:

From the Guardian Unlimited (UK): …the official North Korean news agency quoted the North Korean foreign ministry as calling Mr Bush a “hooligan, bereft of any personality as a human being, to say nothing of stature as president of a country. He is a half-baked man in terms of morality, and a philistine whom we can never deal with.”

From the Telegraph (UK): Shortly before the suspected missile test, North Korea said Mr Bush was a “philistine whom we can never deal with. . . a hooligan and a world dictator whose hands are stained with the blood shed by innocent civilians”.

After looking up the definition of philistine I found myself in total agreement with the N. Korean ministry. I also realized that, with a president as “philistine” as Bush, no one is going to take the US seriously when it comes to foreign affairs…

So we’ve got a money-grubbing, twice (or thrice?) bankrupted, coked-up frat boy in charge, and 50-some-million citizens who chant “ra, ra, ra” for this guy, what else do you think of this country’s representation but the worst joke you’ve ever heard? Who could take us seriously?

Granted, we can bomb the hell out of anyone we don’t like, but we’re not the only people with “the bomb” and we’ve never been. Now I’m not quite ready to pack my bags and leave but it’s starting to sound like a better idea every day… how long until “the bomb” gets dropped on us? I’d love to see a poll on which cities get hit first…

Tell me something positive.

tylercox hasn’t posted for over an hour now… :stuck_out_tongue:

maybe you can get tyler to run in 2008 on an indepenunidant ticket?

Re: Turning Japanese, er, North Korean

I still think you’re safer here than a lot of other places. I’ll stay and vote again for the “not-Bush” in the next election (yes I know about term limits). Our oceans still help a lot in keeping us away from “those dirty wars,” which I believe has served us well in the past.

Tyler for President! He can thread-bomb the rest of the world into utter submission! But then, he will become unstoppable. He will turn his weapons on us! :astonished:

Oops, he already did.

Re: Turning Japanese, er, North Korean

Shouldn’t end a sentence with the word “with.”

Then again, I just did.

Re: Re: Turning Japanese, er, North Korean

This is an English grammar myth originating with Latin speaking wannabes. There is no written rule forbidding ending an English sentence with a preposition and doing so in most instances will make sense. In Latin, however, it’s an obvious rule and Latin sentences won’t make sense if they end in prepositions.

I say Santa Cruz gets hit first. The missle origin I will predict to be Iceland.

In latin you actually could make some sense because of the endings…prepositions have a special ending, although the name escapes me now…it’s -am for first declension though!

We might want to include that N. Korea was doing a missle test right after calling Bush that…so I can’t say I put too much faith in them ;-).

Were is this thread going?Real threadjack,with.