TUni - It's Official!

Re: Re: TUni - It’s Official!

i don’t think i’ve ever heard it used in conversation other than online recently.
and definatly not by trials unicyclists.

Re: TUni - It’s Official! – NO IT’S NOT!

No. Absolutely not! The only discussion is how BAD it is. Please, nobody should use the T word.

Thank you,
uni57 (Dave)

(referring to acronyms “NUC” and “UNICON”) Like most things on the Web, if you really want to know about them, the answer is Google.


For NUC, try “nuc unicycle”
UNICON works okay all by itself, if you look far eough down the list…! :slight_smile:

Sure, I could spell them out for you, but then you would still be a unimoron.