Tucked or untucked and how often do you wash?

I bet you all thought this was going to be dirty didn’t you? :wink: sorry to disappoint. I love my sheets tucked in nice and tight but my signifigant other prefers the blankets/sheets in tucked so she can wrap herself in them. It drives me crazy! So which do you prefer? Tucked, untucked or half and half? She also thinks it’s disgusting that I wait until my towels smell(about a week) before I wash the, she washes her towels daily. How often does everyone here wash theirs? Haha discuss :slight_smile:


untuck, once a week

Ditto. I’m a strange sleeper, I sleep in every position you can possibly sleep in. This means wrapping my legs or moving numerous pillows around to keep from waking up with back problems.

Untucked. and I wait until my towels smell before I wash them.

tucked and once a week

Sheets: Untucked
Towels: Once a week, 2 towels alternating, they don’t smell by the time

Put me down for a no-tuck…you know what, I changed my mind, make it a tuck. :stuck_out_tongue:


I tuck my napkin into my shirt collar, my shirt into my pants and my pants into my socks.

Untucked and roughly every week for towels and every other week for sheets. My wife, strangly, HATES tucking in the sheets…even after she just washed them and they’re being put on the bed.

untucked since the sheets always end up at the other end :stuck_out_tongue: and twice a week…

yea until they smell just hang them on a radiator to dry out :slight_smile: my gf thinks i need my head checking for this but then i ride a unicycle which renders her argument invalid :smiley:

Sheets and blankets are for sissies. I lay a sheet of old, rusted, corrugated steel over myself when I lie down. Sleep is for sissies, too. What’s a towel? I dry off with shards of broken glass.

Some else does the laundry at my house. You should get one of those too. Laundry fairy.

I do wash my own cycling stuff, cause she couldn’t keep up otherwise.


Did you fall out of bed?


Lol, I hope you had your sheets misteriously untucked and they fell out first to make you a soft landing. :smiley:

Btw I don’t know how people can sleep with their sheets tucked…

You are making me nostalgic

I remember bedding. From last March I think. Sometimes I have even used a blanket, during cold snaps, I have no heat.

I sleep naked with a fan blowing on me. Next month I might use a sheet. Been a while. Can’t make a bed out of nothing.