Tubeless Tires

Has anyone tried this stuff (click on “this stuff” for link)? It sounds to good to be true, yet the testimonials and reviews (link) are incredible.

It’s a system that makes regular mountain bike tires tubeless with little or no leak problems and incredibly self-sealing :astonished: , I figure that Muni tires are about the same.

Re: Tubeless Tires

no, i haven’t
i replied to this thread to keep it from dissapearing from the front page
surely someone somewhere must’ve tried it or heard something about it from a mtb’r or gone out and tried it?

I haven’t tried it mostly because the tubeless tires don’t come as fat as the tubed ones do, and I’ve been graduating towards fatter tires.

Just a guess, but I bet there are significant issues with tire fold-over on side hops because that might break the seal.

My friend Walt makes his own tubeless tires, check out his instructions;

He says that the stronger the sidewall the better, therefore I would think that the tires we typically use for MUni would work very well. I have not tried going tubeless with my tire (Gazz 2.6) so I can’t say how it would hold up to hopping etc. Walt does have friends who use them on their MTBs.



It’s not the size of the dog in the fight,
it’s the size of the fight in the dog.

More Info

The technical info about Notubes is that you don’t need special tires, any tire will work, not just tubeless tires. So you don’t need to get the special (read: expensive) tubeless tires or rims with this.

Yep, that’s about the same thing, in fact he’s got a link to!