Just more information about the currect recession (depression). It’s been set up like last time in the 20-30s. There will be nothing to stop it. Unless we all learn and take a stand.
I was standing for most of yesterday, but nothing happened. Am I standing incorrectly? Please help.
Edit: come to think of it, I saw a lot of people standing yesterday. Some in lines, other in crowds. Surely, someone had to be taking your stand. Why isn’t this working?
A little perspective on bank failures; the dates highlighted far outnumber the bank failures of the past 7 years, including the past year to the present.
Bank Failures by Decade
- 2000-2007: 32
- 1990-1999: 925
- [B]1980-1989: 2,036[/B]
- 1970-1979: 79
- 1960-1969: 44
- 1950-1959: 28
- 1940-1949: 99
- 1934-1939: 312
So Terry, how many of those banks were behemoths like the ones we’re actually worried about? All those failed banks probably became parts of the few large institutions that are currently in the news.
There are still plenty of smaller banks out there though. One of the ones I’m familiar with say they’re doing all right, in part because they’re not so huge. I wonder if there’s a lesson there?
If you have your money in an FDIC insured account, you’re insured up to $250,000. If my bank were to fail, I’m covered 100%. I’m not at all worried, and I’m not losing sleep over any more possible or impending bank failures; are you?
You didnt answer his question. =p
How many of those banks were behemoths like the ones we’re actually worried about?
As long as the federal government keeps handing out our money you bet I am! Hopefully they’re going to be a little more cautious and specific about future funds they give out, like the much more detailed scrutiny they seemed to give to the automakers.
Now to save the porn industry…
I have no idea, but my only point is, bank failures are nothing new, and there will be more, no doubt. But still, during that period from 1980-89, the total amount of banks that failed, dwarfed previous and later decades by a huge percentage. Just thought it was worth showing the stats for some perspective.
Btw, the 1980’s was great decade overall, and I was making about 50k per year as a club dj and banks were paying 7-8% on savings accounts. Today it’s like 2-3%.
…except you’re not really giving us any perspective, just showing us numbers.
John’s point is that the total holdings of those 2,000+ banks may not even be close to the holdings of the banks that have collapsed recently.
The US economy won’t go “bump” quite so much if 2,000+ mom and pop stores, but it would if 2-3 Walmarts, Targets or other such stores collapsed.
Numbers aren’t really meaningful unless you provide context.
hey hey hey.
not hatin, but shaun…
stop posting videos.