The title says it all and my English teacher said to write the sonnet about something or someone I love so I obviously chose Unicycling but can’t figure it out.
Shakespearean or Italian sonnet?
Shakespearean Sonnet
can you give us an example of one?
Are you asking for suggestions or for other people to write one for you?
I am asking for Suggestions
An Example: A voice that cries and wings that fiercely beat,
You cannot hope to know until you try,
Through winter chill or searing summer heat,
You cannot hope to know until you try,
Vanish in rising wind, all sorrows past,
Never give in to fate; don’t compromise,
Bright feathers grow, your fledgling wings spread fast,
Never give in to fate; don’t compromise,
Nobody sees the shining heart within,
Steel nights of silent pain; bronze days of rage,
Nobody sees the shining heart within,
Fly far from death in evil wars they wage,
Your silver feathers sparkle diamond bright,
Fly high and don’t surrender in your fight.
and should I know about this for eng class(madey not since im in learning supportA.K.A special ed A.K.A class that you could do any thing in probs even smoke a little 4/20)
An Example: A sqeak that wheels and cranks that fiercely beat,
You cannot hope to know until you try,
Through winter chill or searing summer heat,
You cannot hope to know until you try,
ride around howling wind, all sorrows past,
Never give in to fate; don’t compromise,
Strong muscles grow, your fledgling wheels Break fast,
Never give in to fate; don’t compromise,
Nobody sees the shining hub within,
bloody bite of silent pain; hurt full of rage,
Nobody sees the shining hub within,
ride far from UPD in evil wars they wage,
Your silver spokes sparkle diamond bright,
Ride high(4/20 hehehehe :not spoken:) and don’t surrender in your fight.
my way of helping out anther unicyclist hope it helped(and I get to use it 4 my sonnet )