Trusty Proposition.

So, after my recent event with distrust, I have a proposition for people to gain trust in each other.

There are quite a few websites that offer a system to gauge how trustworthy people are, one of the more popular ones being Heatware, that’s a link to my profile as an example.

If we get a sticky for this, hopefully we will have easier times trading items.

So when we buy or sell items, the users leave feedback on each others profile.

Some examples:

If someone buys something for example, and the seller gives the person a hard time and possibly doesn’t send the item, you would obviously give that person a negative feedback.

If you have a hard time dealing with the person, but they do send you the item, then maybe you want to give them a neutral feedback.

Obviously if the deal goes through fine and you’re both happy, give positive feedback.

I will keep this thread alive, and hopefully Gilby will sticky it for us.

Good luck people.

borg, not trying to be nasty or nothing, but isnt part of the trading post the trusting part? i mean we’re all kind unicyclists…

if you look in the history of the trading post you wont find many scammers i dont think…

refering to danny and the kh06 frame, well all know hes getting triton, so why would he try scam you on his old frame?

and that site sounds kinda silly in my opinion… yes lets gather more data about people and the way they trade so we can market better advertisement towards them… and then we’ll be like facebook and microsoft or google will buy us or pay to advertise for us so much that we’ll… and so on…

I mean that is so easy to fake, its like ebay feedback its not exactly reliable… but another person knowing the unicyclist and i mean who doesnt know a unicyclist who knows another and so on… everyone knows each other so if someone rips you off you can give them a real hard time.

Yeah, I’ve only been here for a short time, but I feel I could trust many of the unicyclists on this forum, especially those who have been on for a long time. Most of these people are persons who have developed a reputation on this site and would not be willing to risk losing that.
I’m puchasing a BC wheel from a forum member and I have sent my money out to him trusting that he will give me what he offered.
I’m not saying trust everyone on the internet- that would be silly. But trust those who you know on the forums and have good relationships in real life with other unicyclists. As I said, they probably don’t want to tain their reputation.

how hard would it be for me to get half a dozen of my mates to give me good feedback on that site for non-existant transactions?

Im sorry, on paper it’s a good idea, but anyone who’s malicious enough to intentionaly defraud people on this forum is entirely capable of effectively bypassing that test, it’s not worth the paper it’s written on.

You guys need to overlook the people involved, and understand what I’m trying to do.

I have no idea what you’re on about. Facebook? Heatware isn’t going to change anytime soon, and certainly won’t be bought by Microsoft, maybe get that head checked out.

The idea is to be able to keep a list of transactions easily, as well as the quality, and some comments on the trade.

You didn’t really give a reason why eBay feedback is unreliable either.

How easy would it be for everyone to spot the fake feedback?

OR we could just trust the people who have built up a reputation on this site.

I realize that this started because of a conflict involving COD, I understand that your mom wanted to see what she was getting for you before forking out the cash which is perfectly understandable because she probably doesn’t really know the seller and probably is not familiar with the product either.

Danni did not want to send it COD because he was unfamiliar with the system, it has more paper work, more complications and Canada Post adds extra fees for COD making it more expensive to ship. I would not sell something COD either, not because I don’t trust the system but because it is unnecessarily complicated in my opinion.

In the end your mom didn’t want it enough to pay before she saw it and Danni didn’t want to sell it enough to deal with COD. This was a pretty simple non sale and don’t see anything wrong with it from either end.

Correct me if I was wrong on any of these points but I don’t think that having some sort of eBay style seller rating would have changed the situation.

uhm… i never said microsoft would buy it, but microsoft pay to advertise on it… facebook sell us to advertisers.

and ebay well i’ve been ripped off by someone on there with 100% feedback and i know quite a few people like that… its not very uncommon.

But anywayas doesnt matter, if you dont like the terms then dont commit to the sale, but i’m pretty sure most people here would rather it worked on trust

Ever been ripped off by Paypal?

Borg, I think you are one of a very very small minority of people having issues with trust here.

extremley difficult, how could you possible differentiate them from real ones? particulalry on sites like ebay where most feedback comments are pretty generic making up an entirely plausible feedback is easy as pi

Someone jacked my paypal account a bunch of months ago. Made a bunch of scam transactions, I presume to be eBay scams. Also withdrew $250 from my bank account, though I only had $8 in it, so I got overdraft fees. This was around the time I was traveling to Panama, so I couldn’t really deal with it. My bank account ended up getting sent to a collection agency or some crap. Eventually got everything sorted out, but it took like four months, all of which I didn’t have a bank account. I can’t even imagine how much havoc that would wreak now, what with student loan money going in and out of my account. I think I’m going to open another account at a separate bank, and link ONLY that account to paypal, and use it as needed.

It wasn’t in any way PayPal’s fault. They were pretty helpful in resolving it.

I still use PayPal, its a great service, and very helpful in purchasing things online.

yes, a seller sent non working goods which i sent back and he never refunded. Paypal gave me a refund but i lost 10£ plus the shipping back on the item which was worth 30£ overall.