True Lie ?


Does anyone know what is a “true lie” ?
I konw it’s a title of a film, but what does it mean?

Thanks :slight_smile:

Something that is actually a lie as opposed to a “Fake Lie” which I’m assuming would be something that’s not actually a lie.

true lie = lie
fake lie = truth


Re: True Lie ?

ec, stop thinkin’ so much!


Re: True Lie ?

well, if u are playing golf…

On the subjuect of lies, try to figure out wht this sentance means:

I am lying to you right now.


It means that whatever you say after the word “now” is a lie. :wink:


It means the person in question is trying to make you think, and I don’t hold with this “thinkin’” lark. Nasty stuff, to be avoided at all costs.
