True Hop Twist 360's?

I’ve been working on 360’s and I just can’t seem to get them. I’ve come as close as a 330 but can’t seem to get the little extra twist.

Does anyone have advice for twisting further then 270’s? For a 270 it seems you just turn you whole body 90 and then rotate the 180 with your legs. With a bit of a pirouette you can fake a 360 by just doing a 270’s and twisting on the ground before and after the jump, but I’m meaning how to do a true 360 midair.

Rolling up to it I crouch and twist my body the opposite way I want to twist then corkscrew up wards swinging my arm for momentum.

(I’m referring to hopping on flat ground and turning you and the unicycle a full 360 degrees while mid air.)

How do you go further then 360’s, besides going off a drop? A video tutorial would be nice. :slight_smile:

I would like to know aswel!

Dan heaton does a 520 in the trailer of Defect, or something!

i will admit that i cant 360 without some sort of drop, mostly because i havent really tried to…but when im snowboarding it really helps to lead with my hips…so maybe try leading more with your hips than your upper body?

all you have to do is ride fairly fast and make a sharp turn to compress your tire, and than you jump. you have to jump fairly high but not too high. do the same thing that you do wuth the 330 except do it harder, faster.

thats how i do it.

hope it helps, Riley

Think of your body as a coin, spinning, and try to push the side of your back(shoulders and hips) towards the direction that you’re spinning towards more.

I just came back from a intensive practice session on my hop-twists.

Still no 360’s, arg. Does anyone have a video of a clean 360?

I can land 270’s either way (blind?) and 330’s natural. Rolling and static. I tried the other foot and I can 180 either way. Also 270’s with either hand. SIF either hand either way.

P.S. What do the terms “blind, switch, fakie etc.” mean in unicycling? Is there a list somewere, I can’t find one…

In shaun’s Flip vid, he does a real smooth 360 hoptwist. Only problem might be it was blind…


Is that the hop-twist at 1:21 in the video?

If so, that is NOT a true 360. Eg. the wheel does not point the same way on the landing as the takeoff. That is what I mean by a true 360. The other is all I have ever seen in videos, a 270ish with a twist on the landing. Shaun did a blind 315 in that video off a curb at 1:21.

there is one in xaviors video,(2 days in barcelona) except it was off a drop.

Dont stress getting a “true” 360, Just fudge the landing and make it look as good as you can. Nobodys going to care. As you get better you’ll get the full 360.

It was cool and all but what was a blind 360 doing in a flip tricks video.

Yeah what does Blind and Fakie mean…

“blind” is doing a trick in your non-regular direction or side, If you normally unispin clockwise a blind unispin would be anticlockise. Also if you grnd on your left pedal a blind grind would be on your right pedal.

“Fakie” is doing something while riding backwards

“switch” is ur oppisite foot forward

oh ok, thank you!

While I get what you are saying, but I want to learn more then a faked 360. I just can’t seem to get around, do I need more air time or more twist? or both?

So, does anyone have a video of more then a 360 done on flat ground?

pre hop and SIF:D

Why so?

There is stupid things that are post on the forum

First, you need to know that it is really hard to get the full 360 without doing turning a bit or doing a pre hop before you hop… All the rotation come from the head so look in the direction you are spinning. Personnally I dont often spin a full 360 because a 315 is quicker and often look nicer. I did a full 360 in the air when I was trying to go for a 450 ( + 90 degre prehop ) so maybe it can help if you say that you are going to spin more than 360 like a 450.

I dont know if that help but if you look at how dan heaton or xavier collos spin you will notice that the arm that dont hold the seat is above their head… maybe they can spin more like this because of the thing with the air ( I dont how to say it in english ). Also dont forget that for a 360 the rotation is continue ( not like a 180 ).

You need to find the height where you can hop and spin the fastest as possible.

I hope that help and good luck !

Im sure you can do it !

Something I always hear from people that encourage me to do better in school or unying is aim higher because if u just aim average then you will either get it or fall short so like Kapoute says aim for something higher like the 450 and you might get the 360

I haven’t worked on them much so all I can do is fake them smoothly enough no-one has noticed. I can’t get them full yet

That aside, I’ve never seen a true 360 (or 540) on flat ground in any of the videos. Can someone hook me up?

BTW, Thanks kapoute, your tutorial was great, it helped, but I just haven’t practiced enough.

You might try seat in front, You can tuck just a little to add the extra air time you need to get that last couple of degrees in to make the spin clean. I have been trying for months to 360 a 3 stair, i always stick a 270 or less, 2 days ago i tried it seat in front, hit it second try. It works for flat ground too.