Trouble mounting

I can only get on my unicycle with a wall or somthing to help me, I can’t just hop on, in never realy matter but now I can go pretty long distances, and going a quarter mile then falling off realy sucks because i have to walk all the way back to where i started from.
Does anyone have any tips to help me with mounting. Should it be easy?

try freemounting but place a 2x4 behind the wheel so that you dont move around alot, i did this for a bit and later that same day i was able to free mount

stop riding. Just practice mounting, continiously until you can do it. I had the same problem when learning. After I could go about 500feet, I decided I needed to devote all my time to mounting. After a few days I had it. Once you can freemount 50% of the time, then start riding and enjoy.

Just some practice. Maybe a curb to lean the wheel on while you get on.

Or you could just go in circles. Then you’re always close to the wall you started from.

yea i lerd to curb mount then freemount yea and practice i think its one of the most difucult thing to lern

Re: Trouble mounting

On Wed, 28 Sep 2005 20:11:09 -0500, “bradygreenawalt” wrote:

>Does anyone have any tips to help me with mounting. Should it be easy?

Tips are in the pdf file downloadable from here:

Should it be easy? Not for everyone. I, for one, found freemounting
hard to learn.

Klaas Bil - Newsgroup Addict

“Unicycling is like glue: you have to stick with it, and it’s not to be sniffed at - Mikefule”


But I’m afraid for me it was just the old favourite: practice, practice, practice.

SEARCH for terms such as roll-back mount, static mount or the more generic free mount.
There’s a ton of hints, advice and suggestions on these fora.
Freemounting is one of the nicest skills to learn on a unicycle as it gives you such a wonderfull feeling of freedom. Go anywhere, ride anywhere.

One of the best motivators to pick up a freemount really quickly is UniHoki. You’ll get so sick of running to the side of the rink to remount, you’ll pick up the free mount in no time. You also get a truckload of practise freemounting when you start playing.

Do you know if there’s a regular game somewhere close to you?

The quickest way to learn the freemount is to never let yourself mount any other way, make yourself try the dozen times it might take to mount on your own rather than grabbing hold of something to mount, youll have it in a few days.

It’s difficult. Practice. Don’t do it all the time or you will get frustrated and fed up. But practice a lot.


Like everyone else said - practice!

I am still only able to static mount on about 60-80% of attempts with my right foot first, but I learned (am learning) by forcing myself to try to freemount at least twice even when there is a handy wall around.

You may initially find your self pointing in the wrong direction, but this will improve.

BTW - practice - if you can ride then you will be able to static mount eventually.

Now I just need to get on using my left foot - which feels like it belongs to someone else! I’d better start taking my own advice and practice some more!


My work here is done.

Everybody’s learns differently. I tried the curb mount and the 2x4 mount when I was learning and found it messed me up more than just trying to freemount. One thing I still do when practicing a new skill is to practice it hard but not all the time. I devote every other day to working on the stuff I’m crappy at. Then on the other days, I just go out and ride. Works for me. One bit of advice that helped me on the freemount was to think of putting pressure on the rear pedal (right one in my case) very lightly like if you were going to fake taking a step on a friends stomach while he’s laying down.

On Sept. 9th I started to wean myself off my 2x4 block. It went very smoothly. After about a dozen block-free mounts I was doing fairly well. Then I bungled one and wasn’t wearing shin guards and ended up with 10 staples holding my skin curtains together. After that, I switched shifts. So since that day I’ve been back on the block. In my experience I’ve found that when I’m tired it’s best not to try to do things that slap you around when you lose focus.

So it wasn’t until today that I got to go back and re-attempt free mounting. It was hard to do the first one because the body has a built in preservation instinct and even though I knew I could pull it off my brain kept messing with me. But I persisted and after I nailed about 10 mounts I tossed the block back into the truck and headed down to the 2 mile cement trail where I got to put it all together. Man, it was hot.

Suffice it to say that for me the 2x4 was a very good transition tool to get me off the fence and then on to free mounting. The curb height difference screwed with my balance too much.

Good luck and just keep practicing.

Well i got pretty good at it. Id say Im mounting with about 30% effinciancy, wich is better then zero. Im gonna keep practicing and soon I’ll be rwal good at it. I cant belive how fast I’m learning :slight_smile:

And it’s only going to speed-up from here. Applying the discipline to get thru the ‘sticky’ bits isn’t always fun, but it does always pay off.