That’s a great Picture, Gild! What a precarious place to be a one-man band!
You’r Dad swould prpbably get a cick out of th sound. The CD I have is called Saint’s paradise. It wasn’t too expensive and has a wide variety. The TIGERS that are discussed in the link that I provided also have a recording, but I don’t have that one.
we went to New Orleans when I was a kid and heard some Dixieland bands playing. I have always enjoyed it ever since.
I used to play the BBflat and CC tuba. I could get pedal tones off the low end of the piano; my lowest was 28Hz, but I forget what note that was. At that frequency, a full 7 liter lungs-full of air (yes ) was gone in about one second. So although I could daydream of playing a CCC (or BBBflat) tuba, it would not have been much good to me, at least at the college-music-school level of playing.
I once marched in a parade with a concert sit-down tuba, harnessed with backpack straps.
One week, I played in a pit orchestra for a musical. During one of the performances, the “jail cell” fell over and hit me in the back of the head. It drove the mouthpiece through my front lip, requiring a stitch and leaving me with a couple of scars on the inside of my mouth. You couldn’t pay me to get on a giraffe with a Sousaphone!
It is a subcontra bass sax.
When he heard about a gentleman in Kentucky who had a contrabass, he became curious. He paid a visit to Louisville, met Mr. Bob Seaton, saw the contrabass, and couldn’t resist the idea of using it with the Nuclear Whales. Three months later, he bought the horn.
I play the cello now, but I loved playing the baritone horn in high school marching band. My kid picks it up and tries at times. I bring it out every new years and play Auld lang syne. I love lower brass. By bro plays the trumpet and we used to play duets all the time. My mom would turn her hearing aids off and my dad would go in the garage.
I have a 1918 horner special trombone with beautiful engravings on the bell. It is all silver. I got it for $30 at a thrift shop. I can get decent sound out of it but I don’t know the positions.
I think I had Tuba envy when I was in HS, but our school didn’t have a tuba or sousaphone. U-Turn, OUCH!!! Glad you didn’t loose any teeth.
I’ve always had cello envy… the Bach pieces are so great.
I tried to keep playing, but my lip swelled up and was bleeding. After it healed up, I was ok to play again. It felt a little weird, though, for a while.
If I could threadjack for a brief moment, that story reminds me of John Friend, a roly-poly neighborhood boy of questionable intelligence during my Jr. High days in West Virginia. John played the sousaphone and was quite proud of it. One day in the bus line as the school bus pulled up, John attempted to board the bus with the horn around his neck. Someone in front of him rocked backward to grab the bus step handrails and bumped into John. John had the mouthpiece just right and ended up breaking off his two front teeth.
John was also the young man who thought that the two dogs at the bus stop one winter morning had backed into each other and the mats in their fur had become frozen together. His solution was to grab a pail full of warm water from the elementary school kitchen to pour on the dogs’ rear quarters, try to thaw them out and set them free. The dogs were oblivious to the water for some reason.
Does anyone have a link to some samples of trombone shout music? I’d love to hear some.
Edit: Sorry, Dave. I just found the links you provided. I’ll go check them out.
Hey U-Turn, Before I played the cello, when I was pregnant with Bear, my son, i would play some of the cello suites for him on my baritone horn. The horn was pressed up closely againsed my prego belly, of course, so I am certain he could experience it somehow later in the pregnancy. I am learning some of the cello suites on my cello now. I played a couple of the passages for my audition last week!
The fretless stringed instruments seemed quite the impossiblility back then. How would you know what note you’re on? I thought. I think I only picked it up because now cheap (and playable) instruments are for sale on ebay. I got my cello delivered for $300 and it is better than some of the cellos used in my orchestra.
Now I always find time for parenting, but my free time I am usually torn between cello and unicycling.
Bruce, we had a fellow like John in our band. Doug wore his red felt cowboy hat with the white trim all through HS and played the bass drum. We called him "Tumbleweed Doug, " which he thought was the greatest.