Triton Titanium Frames

Does anyone know where I can get a 29’’ Triton frame in the US? and seem to only have 36". I can’t find any other online vendors that sell them. Does anyone know when they will be back? Or is Triton no longer making uni frames?

Someone said that they no longer make uni frames. That being said you can probably still find one.

The 26/29 is not in stock, however the 24/26/29 is.
Within the US, I think you best ask them (Jogi).

As far as i know they will soon start again with production :slight_smile:
The makers had some “internal problems” with the unicycle-stuff…

Best to ask jogi about the frames, he may have some in stock that are not listed on the website.

Triton should be making unicycle frames again soon, I talked to Dmitry, he told me since they moved it will take a little bit of time. Also, they changed the bearing holders, the have to test them before starting production.

Awesome! Thanks, everyone! I will just wait then. I’m not in a hurry to get one, I just eventually want one. :slight_smile: They’re so pretty.

I still want one :stuck_out_tongue: