Trials Tube?

my bikeshop said that they dont have any tubes that will fit my trials uni.
what kind of tubes do I need and where can I get them? I just popped my tube so i need a new one. :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

just get a normal 20" tube. they work fine

Normal 20" tubes work OK


[SIZE=2]They’re not very good and WILL eventually break. My trials tube bust and when I put in a normal 20" tube it got a slow puncture almost straight away.

The problem with them is that the lining is too thin and they’re too long.

You can get Trials 19" tubes from UDC for a few $.
They’re 20" x 2.1" - 2.5". That’s what u want!

Hope this helps,

go to your LBS and buy a 20 - 2.125, or any tubee wider than that, just make sure its a 20inch tube, they work perfectly

No problem using a normal 20" tube, just buy as wide as you can find (eg. 2.125 or bigger) Most likely you will not notice a difference compared to your original tube.

As a side note I’ve heard you can inflate a standard tube to the size of a truck tire and I have inflated one so that it was one foot wide.

The problem isn’t with how wide they inflate… They inflate too large for the tyre before they’re really wide enough = punctures!


I was looking at the Maxxis Creepy Crawler Tire on It said that the tire was 19" but will it still fit on a 20" Torker LX?

Not in the least. Sorry.

Yo miles. I assume you went to performance bikes? Those boys are a bunch of knuckle heads. Im always dissapointed when i go there (except for clothes and such).

A long time ago i got a moped tube for my 19" trials uni from in germany. Heres the link but they look like theyre out of stock anyway:
I would recommend that tube to anyone if you can get your hands on it. It survived two+ years of hard riding and one new wheel rebuilt without a sign of a flat. Now my friend phil is riding that uni and its still going strong.

Now im a big guy, probably twice as heavy as you. So maybe that above tube will be over kill for you at this point. Im surprised you flatted your current tube. You musta been riding like a mad man!

Theres a pretty new BMX shop that opened in Santee. All the BMXers swear by it so it must be pretty good. I’ve never been there but i met the owner, Henry, and he seems like a great guy. Id roll up there with my uni and ask him if hes got any thick tubes that would fit your ride. “The Shop address is 9730 Cuyamaca St. Suite G Santee, CA 92017. The phone number is 619-562-3602. Shop hours Tuesday-Saturday: 11-6pm, Sunday: 12-4pm, Monday: Closed, Gotta ride sometime.” Oh and the place is called East County BMX. I think you’ll have much better luck finding a good tube at a bmx place than a mountain bike-oriented place like Performance.

Having said that, avoid A & B bikes (BMX shop) on mission gorge road in santee. The staff isnt very nice and their prices are high.

Good luck finding a tube! …you can always patch your current tube if you cant find a new one…

I’m confused…

More air you put in the tube the thinner the sidewalls of the tube stretch. In turn the thinner walls equal easer punctures?

Anyway, Bedford unicycles sells a “20x3.0” tube which is quite a bit wider then any one I have seen at a bike shop. You could go with that.

I bought a tube with a gel inside so u dont get flats…pretty good I like it

i popped it by doing a 90 degree hop off a two stair:p

thanks for the help.

Erik, how did the trials comp go?
