are there any other names for trials that any one knows about like muni every one knows what that is short for but is there one for trials eg tuni if not can any one think of one?
Aaargh! Don’t start the “Tuni” argument again. 'Tis a horrible word…
Why did you even say that word?
It’s like he-who-must-not-be-named. You just don’t say it, OK???
Dave (uni57)
I’m back…
So, there I was, I needed to get out riding, and didn’t want to go in the woods. I know, I’ll go out for a quick urban Tuni. Hmmmm, don’t wanna ruin the knobbies off the ol’ Gazz, I best take my TUni.
Not only do I love riding my Tuni, I just really love saying Tuni.
Tuni is a great word, and I am anxious for the Yuni Tuni to be produced. I like the Yuni Muni, but the Yuni Tuni would be great!
Edit: Tuni Tuni
Are you trying to press my TUni button?
(press button for anti-TUni rant…)
Dave (uni57)
I’m back…
Tuni57, your button doesn’t seem to work
Exactly! But now you’ve gone too far!!!
Dave (uni57)
I’m back…
DId you say TUni again Sofa ???
You’d never catch me saying Tuni!
Tuni is dead
Chinese gymnasts will remain the world champions forever
You can go alot further. You could take the TUNI world tour!
Go riding on the mountain trails of Tuni, Bolivia,
Enjoy the beach of Tuni, India
and try the fine wines of Tuniberg, Germany
Get the lovely Tuni-bär, THE gift for children of all ages.
Be sure to check out the music of Tuni & Blue
Re: Tuni is dead
-Argh! Ohh! Don’t say that word!
-What word?
-I cannot tell, suffice to say is one of the words the Unicyclists of Ni cannot hear…
TUni TUni TUni. Oh, by the way, it official. Well sort of:
i would trash this thread but it will not let me i have after i wrote the thread said tuni to my self i realised what a crushing blow it would make on trials but still i did say has anyone heard any other names.
TUni’ch his own