Trials Discussion Thread

I used to find gapping SI easier than SIF when I wasnt very confedent SIF but now I gap SIF and find I can gap further, now it seems more effort when I go back to SI when I can jump and gap further SIF.

I try to get used a little bit more to SI gaps because there is no chance to hit a big gap drop seat out. I tryed once a 2m gap with 2m drop in it seat out and it hurt me a lot.

i just learned to hop up four pallets:) and i droped off nine and this is all with a sprained foot. i want to go for a 10-12 pallet drop when my foot gets better!

Hey how tall are you…good job on the 4 pallets.

I got my Trials uni back…And tommorow im going to make one challenging trials course and ride it…Might post pics even…I am really excited.

I gap better SIF if I go sideways. But forward gap I do seat in (about the only time I use SI) and I think I can gap farther forwards that way then SIF sideways.

Plus I can land much better seat in forward then SIF saideways on a long gap.

Check out the thread I just made about buuilding things with pallets. I’ll post pictures of more stuff later, when I make it…

Pedal grab picnic table

Bench up (dabed)

Gap off bench to curb thing


Blurry picnic table up



Cant see them…

Weird. How bout this?

Pedal grab picnic table
Bench up (dabbed)
Gap off bench to curb thing
Picnic table up

And a question: Do pictures get compressed when you put them in the gallery? They seemed sharper on my computer…

EDIT: Grrr… I still can’t get the pictures to emmbed in the post. I was putting the link inbetween [IMG] tags.

5’ 1 1/2" just had my physical. how many pallets can u hop up isaac?

Right click the picture in your gallery, then click properties and copy the url. Use that url in the [img] tags.
So it should look like this


i have made a kinda nice trials course… i dont just stack random pallets up and hop on and off of them, if that is what yur getting at. i have stairs, skinnys, and som decent(for mae anyway) gaps.

Oh, thanks. I was just wrapping the URL of the whole page in [img] tages.

Speaking of trials:

anyone know if someone did the “Spiral of doom” at FLUCK?
People that have been to FLUCK know what I mean.

Peter M

I don’t think so. I remember reading and hearing that Ryan built it, but then he couldn’t do it. And I have that vague recollection(could be just an assumption though) that nobody else could either. It’d be really good if someone did manage it, though. One hell of a skinny, that!

Anyone care to tell those who didn’t go to FLUCK what this Spiral of Doom is?

That’s the spiral of doom. And me.

Spiral of doom2.jpg

Spiral of doom3.jpg

Spiral of doom4.jpg

Spiral of doom.jpg


ok so even if nobody has landed the “spiral of doom”, what do they plan to do at the top!! :thinking:

Gap and drop to the outside of the circle.

That would be intense.

I’m curious: how did you build that?