How many of you trials bike as well as uni?
I actually had a thought today that it would be cool to get into it. I think it would be rather fun!
I would probably like to but I couldn’t afford both. I can barely afford Unicycling.
Maybe I should try and get sponsered.
me 2, not today…but before.
I ordered a bike a couple days ago. Couldn’t wait to ride when I ordered it. But yesterday i “made” a 32" ledge (I hopped up, and my feet fell off) and now im pumped for uni. But i’m sure i will love them both
Crossover skill
Chime up:D Who here does both? . Kriss , and Leach (a trials guy), have that perfect balance, where they just stop…no hop. And of course, don’t fall over.
Looks the same to me, in a certain way.
what, you “can’t stop no hop?” :)i can but not for more than like 20-30 seconds, then have to ride or make a setup hop.
I ride 20" trials well did do, before a couple of bolts on my chainring snapped under tension… and eve though im planning on shedding out about £22 for my uni i cba buying some new £5 bolts… but i must admitt, to me bike trials is more fun, but thats because ive been on bikes all my life and unicyclings a fairly new sport.
20-30 second standstill? Damn, that’s really good.
is that on a uni or bike?
wow! my best is 78 secs lol
really my best is like 15:p
Thats easy on a bike. On a uni thats pretty impressive.
On my bike I’ve done about 60 something seconds. My unicycle record is something like 20 seconds.
not really that impressive I can so that but it is hard trials on a bike is really hard I find that uni is so much easer but good jobe
I ride trials on a bike!..its pretty fun …and once you get the hang of it…its not thaat hard
lol, glap I spotted that one