WARNING: strong language!(in the link)
this link is to a bike trials website, with negative coments toward a fellow unicylist. Im dubyman in the thread, representing…
well, what are your veiws?
WARNING: strong language!(in the link)
this link is to a bike trials website, with negative coments toward a fellow unicylist. Im dubyman in the thread, representing…
well, what are your veiws?
It wasn’t too bad…until that last post.
Seriously the guy did look a bit fruity though, not on the unicycle obviously just the hole violin - and everything. They didn’t really hassle unicyclists individually, i think it was mainly just the hole photo. But then like I said the last post was really faggoty, please go and say something mean to him for me
Re: trials bikers are not looking good right now
Shut up man,
look at thoes pix, they are stupid as hell. If they were posted on here I would say the same shit. Some kid playing the violin on his unicycle because he saw Kris holm do it years ago doesnt make it cool.
Go back to telling unicycle riders that their video’s suck because they try to put some style in them.
I am apart of observed trials well I am a member and beleive they can be the biggest assholes but it doesnt bother me. see peole are afraid of different and unicycling isnt as big as bike trials but alot of my friends do bike trials so I kinda deal with it. also you have to remember the guys on that website are trying to act all motcha and probably pretend to be cool but really there nothing like what you see. remeber the internet is not real!!!
Australian bike trials riders seem really friendly. I’ve gotten to know quite a few of them and now am part of a demo team.
What I’ve noticed is that some forums (obviously not ours) attract not so nice people somehow. I think obten they start off with a few people boasting about their abilities and having no time for people below their abilities, then more of the same sort of people seem to be drawn in. I’ve noticed a lot of music forums (drums, guitar, etc) are all about boasting about how fast people can play, etc, etc.
Yeah, I’ve noticed that too.
Oddly enough, my Fan Club board became a place where people just insulted each other for no reason.
Interesting theory: Unicyclists think alike and in a nice way
Support: Many unicyclists play the banjo, the unicyclist forum is nice and the banjo forum is nice.
Hmm. Must be a biker/non-happy instrument thing.
That reminded me of Steve Martin’s You just can’t sing a depressing song when you’re playing the banjo routine. (‘Let’s Get Small’ album).
always look on the bright sii-iide of liiife…
Also just so you guys know the guy who said all nasty stuff about unicyclist at the bottom of that forum is an asshole to everyone on that forum
Re: Re: trials bikers are not looking good right now
So when did it become wrong to play the violin? Go violinists! Hey, I gotta go, I’m going to play “Drowsy Maggie” on my VIOLIN!
A pic to anyone hwo hasn’t seen it.
krisholmonuniplayingtheviolin.bmp (199 KB)
I do agree that thread isnt as bad and the violin is preatty lame, but 99.9% of the time its real bad. Those forums are horrible. There is this one member on there that gets hasseld alot for being a unicylist. One of the threads was about some sexually related things and it got onto the topic of how he his gay now bacause he has smashed balls. The problem is that if you go to a trials comp, and you see the same person thats been giving you crap, they are not going to say anything. I guess they feel like they can do whatever they want because its not in person, they feel safe. Just like when people yell things out of the window of their cars, they feel safe and powerful.
Lol, I just looked at this thread while holding my … violin. Which i’ve been playing for 3 months, i’ve been unicycling for over a year. I recall hearing that Kris Holms plays, but I don’t think thats why I started, i’ve wanted to play violing before I ever wanted to unicycle, although finding that I could ride a unicycle, I figured I can play a violin, just gotta enjoy it and stick with it. That was a really long sentance : )
Anyways, keep playing and riding, whatever you play and ride, and oh yeah, i’ll be playing while riding eventuall : )
Dude… they were raggin on the kid and the violin, not unicycles, maybe if you had read the other posts below the two pics you would have got it, but now you made uni’ists seem gay cause of that dumb post, I am ashamed…
the trick there is to meet them in person and bring it up to them (ok, im not sure how well it would work, but its worth a try)
but yeah, the violin wasn’t cool… at all
people are just doesn’t feel like testing the auto censor quite yet
also… typing in all caps almost immediately makes you look stupid, refrain from that in the future and express anger in other manners
Actually the violin is a great instrument. I usually practice two hours a day and have played for five years now. My only objection to the photo is that the kid is holding his bow wrong.
I dunno about the bow hold thing, I agree it’s wrong. But I met a cabinet installer one day when I brought my violin to practice during lunch at work. He was self taught, and held it differently than my teacher taught me, I would imagine you could play it the way the kid holds it. I’d like to see a video of him riding and playing that’d be cool.
It’s also cool that with Orange, jsm, Kris, myself, and maybe this kid, we have possibly 5 unicyclists/violinists : ).
I’ve tried to download the KH picture of him riding and playing, it says it downloads, then this window comes up that says picture viewer, only no window, just the bar that would be above it, anyone else have that problem or know how to fix it??
not at all, you arent subscribed to those forums. you don’t know what goes on. I was replying to the people who were makin in fun of him. like I said, you dont know what goes on, on some threads everybody makes in fun of some unicyclist and its 5 times worse. The point I was trying to prove is that why are trials bikers specifically making in fun of unicylists?
Because they can’t ride them. That’s all.
Can’t do it = gay. Very mature.
Let’s not fall into the same hole. Just because we’re unicyclists and not violinists, it is not okay to say violin playing is lame, or gay, or whatever. If you don’t like it, say you don’t like it.
The kid with the violin is not original. He probably saw a picture of KH doing it in 1999 at the NUC in Washington. The only thing I think is lame about his pictures is the full set of pads and logos he’s wearing. But maybe that was the idea. I’m all dressed up for trials. But first… some music! Whatever. Those guys on that Trials forums are a bunch of idiots. Barely a whole brain between the whole group of 'em. Not worth responding to.
Originally posted by Homerbot
[B]the trick there is to meet them in person and bring it up to them (ok, im not sure how well it would work, but its worth a try)
I do that all the time, someone will drive by and say fag or something, then I ride past where they parked and ask if they would like to try, they cant resist they always try and fail miserabley, then they have some sort of new found respect(especially when you do tricks nd such).
now if he were playin the guitar would everyone have found that so faggoty, ive done that once to see if it were possible, I played smoke on the water while idling.